FUE hair transplant before and after expectation

If you have decided to have a hair transplant, you may want to know and see the FUE hair transplant before and after. On the one hand, the previous care that you must have and then the results that you would obtain, as well as the post-operative care that you can follow in case of discomfort after the operation.

What we will talk about first is before the operation and then we will talk about the results you will have from the FUE hair transplant. In addition, we will tell you all the recommendations that our team of expert plastic surgeons recommends to our patients for the recovery phase.

FUE Hair Transplant : Before

First, we will talk about before the FUE hair transplant and how the plastic surgeon will plan the surgery. To do this, before the operation, you will have a first appointment with the medical team where the progress of your baldness problem will be determined. In this way, it will be possible to determine the number of hair follicles that you will need to obtain the best results.

During this first appointment with the plastic surgeon, the hairline you will have after the hair transplant will also be determined . This with the intention that the final results after the operation have a completely natural appearance. This is a very important part of the process, as you will also be given images before the hair transplant.

Regarding the recommendations that you must follow before the FUE hair transplant, this is what you should know:

  • Avoid smoking one day before the FUE hair transplant and stop drinking alcohol at least 3 days before.
  • Also, two weeks before the operation, you must stop taking: aspirin, anticoagulants, diabetic supplements and antidepressants.
  • Although in many low-level clinics they ask patients to cut their hair, it is best that you do not do it when you arrive with us.
  • Something you can do prior to the operation is to give yourself a 10 to 30 minute scalp massage to increase blood flow.
  • The only medications that we recommend you take are those with minoxidil in it to further promote hair growth.

At Cancun Hair Restoration, we will take care of carrying out a series of studies to determine the feasibility of the operation, not just how many follicles will be necessary for the operation. In this way, we will make sure that you are in optimal health conditions to carry out the FUE hair transplant .

FUE Hair Transplant : After

Regarding the after hair transplant and the results that you can have after the operation, first we will talk about what you should do to take care of your wounds. In this way, FUE hair transplant before and after will be more noticeable once the hair follicles have adapted to the recipient area.

It is important to note that the final results that will mark the before and after FUE hair transplant will not be very noticeable until 10 to 12 months have passed. This is because the hair follicles need to adapt to the new area of hair and can be strengthened so that they do not fall out again.

Now, about what you will notice after the FUE hair transplant and the care you must take to obtain the best results. From the first night until 12 months have passed after the operation, here we will tell you what to expect.

  • First night after the FUE hair transplant

Most likely, during the first night after the hair transplant, you will notice the cuts made during the operation that were made to place the hair follicles. You will notice redness in the area and you may have some discomfort that you can easily treat with mild pain relievers.

Regarding the recommendations that you should follow after the FUE hair transplant , the first thing that you should not do is touch the area where the operation was performed. You will not be able to wash the area during the first night, this to prevent wounds from becoming infected. You will also have to sleep sitting up with your head raised to prevent your skin from coming into contact with the pillow.

  • First day after the FUE hair transplant

At the end of the surgery, we will tell you how you can wash the area where the FUE hair transplant was performed so that you can do it again one day after surgery. It is necessary that to carry out this procedure you use a special shampoo and sponge, in this way you can wash it gently and properly.

The redness and discomfort from the night before will continue, but as the days progress these will gradually begin to fade until they are completely gone. In addition, we recommend that you continue to sleep sitting up to prevent wounds from opening and hair follicles from falling out.

  • The next days after the FUE hair transplant

It is possible that after FUE hair transplantation, within a few days, you will start to notice some light bruising and discoloration in the transplanted area. In addition, you will notice that scabs will appear where the small cuts were made to place the hair implants; plus some swelling that you can easily treat.

Avoid at all costs sun exposure, as well as scratching or rubbing the recipient area where all the hair follicles were placed. Although exercise is not recommended, you can walk or jog without sweating too much to keep your body active . Do cleaning only as indicated by the medical team to avoid damaging the grafts.

  • A week after the FUE hair transplant

After one week of FUE hair transplantation, the transplanted hair follicles will already have become stronger , but they will still be at risk of falling out if you take poor care. Cleaning can now be done more regularly and with a little more intensity. You may still notice scabs on the recipient area, but with a little cleaning they will fall off.

At this time, you may still experience some discomfort or itching in the area where the hair implants were placed; but you have nothing to worry about, these are just signs that it is healing.

  • 2 to 4 weeks after the FUE hair transplant

Approximately one month after the FUE hair transplant, the hair follicles will enter a resting phase and the hair shafts, better known as hairs, will begin to fall out. However, you have nothing to worry about, it is a common reaction, since it is the follicles adapting to the new area and strengthening the hair so that it lasts.

  • 4 to 6 months after the FUE hair transplant

Throughout the first six months after the FUE hair transplant, the hair will continue to fall out; but, little by little, these hairs will continue to grow longer and thicker. The final results of the operation will already begin to be more noticeable, but they will not yet have the appearance.

  • 12 to 18 months after the FUE hair transplant

By this point, the before and after of the FUE hair transplant will already be noticeable; you will be able to comb it without problem and without fear of it falling off. It will have the same texture as the rest of your hair, and the expected natural appearance will be more visible. At this point, special care or other treatment is no longer necessary.

If you want to see some FUE hair transplantation before and after of patients who have come to our clinic, you can check them on our website. If you want to see those results in yourself, contact us now and completely change your life with a hair restoration treatment like the ones we have at our clinic.