Is there a right age to get a Hair Transplant?

Is there a right age to get a Hair Transplant?
To get the #BestHairTransplantInMexico you need to contact us. No matter if you are too young or you think you are too old: all people need a great hair.

Is there a right age to get a Hair Transplant?

When someone asks us for the first time, one of the most frequent questions is “Am I of age to have a hair transplant?”, Followed by “Am I the right age for the procedure?” We are not surprised, as people come to us because they want to get the best hair transplant in Mexico.

Many people think that being too young or too old influences the transplant outcome, but is this true? Below, you will find the answer to this question.

The right age for hair transplantation: does it exist?

To be honest, there is no proper age to perform a hair transplant procedure. This can be done as long as the patient has hair loss, which is treatable with surgery, a donor area and that there are no medical or surgical contraindications.

This means that any patient who has the information and wants to do it, can undergo a hair transplant. But here’s another very important question: does it matter if a patient starts a transplant early or waits until they are a little older?

Hair transplantation if you are under 21

You have come this far because you are in that age range and you find yourself in the need to wear a cap all the time to avoid people staring at your head when you go down the street or are in a public place.

We have good news for you: if you suffer from permanent and non-progressive hair loss, as occurs in scars and congenital areas of alopecia, it is possible to successfully perform the procedure, even if you are a person under 21 years of age. If you have questions about your case, contact us and get more information.

Better results: young or old patients?

This depends on many health factors. If an older person does not have health problems such as diabetes or chronic smoking, the transplant reception will be optimal. This added to the fact that the procedure is minimally invasive and very well tolerated by almost all patients, regardless of whether the scalp is young or old.

In addition, the place where you decide to perform your hair transplant will always be an influential point. The experience of who is in charge of doing the transplant is decisive for obtaining the best results.

Can micropigmentation be considered?

That is something that you should consult directly with our experts and it will depend a lot on your particular case. Hair micropigmentation is a technique that uses pigment injections under the skin (directly on the scalp), to get a better appearance is obtained.

This procedure is recommended when the baldness is total or when the areas with alopecia are not candidates to receive a hair transplant. You can undergo this process at any age and it is also necessary to contact an expert to decide if it is the best solution for your hair loss.

Remember that your hair is your cover letter, regardless of your age. Decide to recover the appearance of your hair and contact us. At Hair Restoration Cancun you will find a team of experts who will help you regain confidence in your hair. Also, you will be on this beautiful Mexican beach during your recovery period. Make up your mind to have beautiful hair again. We are waiting for you.

Ways to stop hair loss

Ways to stop hair loss

Ways to stop hair loss

Your hair is an important part of your personality. That is why television commercials frequently show hair care products such as shampoo and conditioners. But, if you are having a severe hair loss, you may be thinking about a hair transplant in Mexico. But, if your hair loss is not yet so serious, how do you prevent it from falling out? Here are some ways to stop hair loss.

Stop hair loss: is it possible?

Although there are genetic conditions that cause hair loss that is only reversible with a hair transplant, some situations can be prevented. So, the answer is YES, it is only necessary to assess the situation with a specialist doctor, such as our experts at Hair Repair Cancún. Some ways to stop hair loss are:

Balance diet

Eating lean meats, fish, soy, or other proteins promotes hair health and, at the same time, they are aids in hair loss.

Vitamins help to have general well-being and are part of a balanced diet. That is why its adequate consumption is perfect for the health of your hair. For example, Vitamin A stimulates healthy sebum production on the scalp, and Vitamin E improves blood circulation in the scalp, helping hair follicles to continue hair production. For its part, vitamin B helps hair maintain its healthy color.

Soft brush made with natural fibers

The use of the brush is inevitable because it is necessary to comb the hair to make it fit and look great. But it is important to pay close attention to which brush you will use. It is recommended to use a soft brush with natural fibers, as it will help maintain healthy levels of sebum in your hair, also known as oil.

The keratin proteins in your hair need to be gently brushed one way, starting at the top and continuing to the ends. A soft brush will assist in the care and conditioning of the hair cuticle at the molecular level.

In addition, frequent and proper brushing helps to avoid finding strands of hair in the shower drain.

Hair products: time to change it

There are some belief and some evidence that many gels and other styling products can contribute to hair loss. This is due to the presence of chemicals within these products. These elements lodge in the scalp and are trapped between the follicles, preventing hair from coming to the surface.

Although in some cases of unruly hair, it is impossible to completely avoid the use of these products, it is recommended to reduce their consumption, avoiding the excessive use of hair gels. It is also possible to resort to styling products with natural bases, which contain fewer chemicals.

Stay hydrated all the time

The hair shaft comprises a quarter of water. This means that you need to drink at least four to eight cups of water a day to stay hydrated. Adequate hydration will allow you to have healthy hair growth.

No juices, sodas, or alcoholic beverages: purified water. Drinking alcohol reduces hair growth. So, if you are having hair loss, you have to decrease or eliminate this kind of drinks.

But, if your hair loss is severe, it is best that you consult with an expert to have a hair transplant. At Hair Repair Cancun you will find a team of experts, as well as equipment and areas that meet the strictest hygiene requirements for your safety. Also, think about where you want to recover from the procedure. A beach like Cancun is a great option. Contact us. We are waiting for you.

Does the cure for hair loss lie within our blood? All about the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

platelet-rich plasma prp

Hair loss was a trouble… Until now. Science is wonderful: it can find the cure from any illness or the treatment to give the people a good and long life. The scientist found that the Platelet-Rich Plasma, also known as PRP, can help to stop the hair loss. Do you want to know more? Continue reading this interesting article that Hair Repair Cancún brings to you.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma PRP?

Platelet-Rich Plasma is defined as a high concentration of platelets in a small volume of plasma, having as a measure 1,000,000 platelets per microliter of blood. It means at least 2 times the natural concentration of blood.

The PRP is derived from the bloodstream. For many years, this treatment has been used for years to musculoskeletal conditions, and more recently, skin conditions.

Colloquially termed “vampire treatments”, the Platelet-Rich Plasma injected into the skin or used after micro needling. This is a technique that uses small needles to make microscopic skin wounds, and it may help to improve the skin texture and appearance.

Nowadays, the PRP has garnered some attention and popularity because it looks as a promising solution for one of the most challenging problems in dermatology: hair loss.

What’s the connection between platelets and the health hair growth?

Platelet-Rich Plasma has a very suggestive name. Platelets, with red and white blood cells, and plasma are the four main components of blood. Platelets promote cell growth and regeneration. Platelets generally have a concentration five times higher in PRP than in normal blood. This concentration is very useful in terms of hair growth, because platelets secrete growth factors, and this is thought to greatly assist in the wound healing process as well as tissue regeneration.

The theory is that platelets should be injected deep into the scalp so that it reaches the bottom of the hair follicle. In this way, platelets will be able to stimulate a specific population of cells, called “dermal papilla cells”, which have a critical role in healthy hair growth.

It works with all the types of hair loss?

Most research on the effects of PRP on hair loss has focused on its use in the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia, also known as AGA, which can affect both men and women.

Men with AGA often have hair loss at the top and front, while in women thinning hair occurs at the top and the crown of the head, usually starting in the center. hair related. PRP is effective in this type of hair loss, but works best when combined with other treatments, such as topical minoxidil or oral finasteride.

Furthermore, there is insufficient evidence to conclude about the effectiveness of PRP in other types of hair loss, such as stress-related (telogen effluvium), hair loss without scarring, related to autoimmunity, called alopecia areata, or forms of scarring hair loss.

Actually, hair loss has many solutions. Make up your mind to have amazing hair again. Contact us and recover yourself in the beautiful beaches of Cancún. You were waiting for this opportunity and now we are waiting for you.