FUE hair transplant before and after expectation

FUE hair transplant before and after; male model with long hair

If you have decided to have a hair transplant, you may want to know and see the FUE hair transplant before and after. On the one hand, the previous care that you must have and then the results that you would obtain, as well as the post-operative care that you can follow in case of discomfort after the operation.

What we will talk about first is before the operation and then we will talk about the results you will have from the FUE hair transplant. In addition, we will tell you all the recommendations that our team of expert plastic surgeons recommends to our patients for the recovery phase.

FUE Hair Transplant : Before

First, we will talk about before the FUE hair transplant and how the plastic surgeon will plan the surgery. To do this, before the operation, you will have a first appointment with the medical team where the progress of your baldness problem will be determined. In this way, it will be possible to determine the number of hair follicles that you will need to obtain the best results.

During this first appointment with the plastic surgeon, the hairline you will have after the hair transplant will also be determined . This with the intention that the final results after the operation have a completely natural appearance. This is a very important part of the process, as you will also be given images before the hair transplant.

Regarding the recommendations that you must follow before the FUE hair transplant, this is what you should know:

  • Avoid smoking one day before the FUE hair transplant and stop drinking alcohol at least 3 days before.
  • Also, two weeks before the operation, you must stop taking: aspirin, anticoagulants, diabetic supplements and antidepressants.
  • Although in many low-level clinics they ask patients to cut their hair, it is best that you do not do it when you arrive with us.
  • Something you can do prior to the operation is to give yourself a 10 to 30 minute scalp massage to increase blood flow.
  • The only medications that we recommend you take are those with minoxidil in it to further promote hair growth.

At Cancun Hair Restoration, we will take care of carrying out a series of studies to determine the feasibility of the operation, not just how many follicles will be necessary for the operation. In this way, we will make sure that you are in optimal health conditions to carry out the FUE hair transplant .

FUE Hair Transplant : After

Regarding the after hair transplant and the results that you can have after the operation, first we will talk about what you should do to take care of your wounds. In this way, FUE hair transplant before and after will be more noticeable once the hair follicles have adapted to the recipient area.

It is important to note that the final results that will mark the before and after FUE hair transplant will not be very noticeable until 10 to 12 months have passed. This is because the hair follicles need to adapt to the new area of hair and can be strengthened so that they do not fall out again.

Now, about what you will notice after the FUE hair transplant and the care you must take to obtain the best results. From the first night until 12 months have passed after the operation, here we will tell you what to expect.

  • First night after the FUE hair transplant

Most likely, during the first night after the hair transplant, you will notice the cuts made during the operation that were made to place the hair follicles. You will notice redness in the area and you may have some discomfort that you can easily treat with mild pain relievers.

Regarding the recommendations that you should follow after the FUE hair transplant , the first thing that you should not do is touch the area where the operation was performed. You will not be able to wash the area during the first night, this to prevent wounds from becoming infected. You will also have to sleep sitting up with your head raised to prevent your skin from coming into contact with the pillow.

  • First day after the FUE hair transplant

At the end of the surgery, we will tell you how you can wash the area where the FUE hair transplant was performed so that you can do it again one day after surgery. It is necessary that to carry out this procedure you use a special shampoo and sponge, in this way you can wash it gently and properly.

The redness and discomfort from the night before will continue, but as the days progress these will gradually begin to fade until they are completely gone. In addition, we recommend that you continue to sleep sitting up to prevent wounds from opening and hair follicles from falling out.

  • The next days after the FUE hair transplant

It is possible that after FUE hair transplantation, within a few days, you will start to notice some light bruising and discoloration in the transplanted area. In addition, you will notice that scabs will appear where the small cuts were made to place the hair implants; plus some swelling that you can easily treat.

Avoid at all costs sun exposure, as well as scratching or rubbing the recipient area where all the hair follicles were placed. Although exercise is not recommended, you can walk or jog without sweating too much to keep your body active . Do cleaning only as indicated by the medical team to avoid damaging the grafts.

  • A week after the FUE hair transplant

After one week of FUE hair transplantation, the transplanted hair follicles will already have become stronger , but they will still be at risk of falling out if you take poor care. Cleaning can now be done more regularly and with a little more intensity. You may still notice scabs on the recipient area, but with a little cleaning they will fall off.

At this time, you may still experience some discomfort or itching in the area where the hair implants were placed; but you have nothing to worry about, these are just signs that it is healing.

  • 2 to 4 weeks after the FUE hair transplant

Approximately one month after the FUE hair transplant, the hair follicles will enter a resting phase and the hair shafts, better known as hairs, will begin to fall out. However, you have nothing to worry about, it is a common reaction, since it is the follicles adapting to the new area and strengthening the hair so that it lasts.

  • 4 to 6 months after the FUE hair transplant

Throughout the first six months after the FUE hair transplant, the hair will continue to fall out; but, little by little, these hairs will continue to grow longer and thicker. The final results of the operation will already begin to be more noticeable, but they will not yet have the appearance.

  • 12 to 18 months after the FUE hair transplant

By this point, the before and after of the FUE hair transplant will already be noticeable; you will be able to comb it without problem and without fear of it falling off. It will have the same texture as the rest of your hair, and the expected natural appearance will be more visible. At this point, special care or other treatment is no longer necessary.

If you want to see some FUE hair transplantation before and after of patients who have come to our clinic, you can check them on our website. If you want to see those results in yourself, contact us now and completely change your life with a hair restoration treatment like the ones we have at our clinic.

FUE Hair Transplant Cost in other countries

FUE hair transplant cost; man with hair style and beard

Cancun Hair Restoration is a clinic specialized in hair transplantation and we receive patients from many parts of the world, including the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. All of them come to Cancun to perform this type of procedure mainly for the FUE hair transplant cost.

Therefore, in this new blog we will make a comparison of the FUE hair transplantation cost in addition to mentioning the factors that determine the price. At the end, we will give you a few reasons apart from the price that will convince you to schedule your first appointment with one of our expert plastic surgeons right now.

FUE Hair Transplant Cost and procedure

To talk about the FUE hair transplant cost, we will first quickly tell you what the procedure consists of in case you are not very familiar with the process. The treatment consists of extracting one by one the hair follicles from areas where there is a greater accumulation of hair to relocate them where the hair loss is.

One of the advantages of this procedure and the main reason many turn to FUE hair transplant regardless of the cost is that it does not leave visible marks for the patient. To do the surgery, only small cuts are made to remove the follicles and to reposition them that heal quickly and will be very difficult for people to see.

The FUE hair transplant is a very simple and slightly invasive surgery, but it can last up to eight hours, since there are up to 3000 follicles that must be extracted. Although it is a treatment that takes a long time to carry out, the results it offers are permanent for patients.

Now, about the FUE hair transplant cost, the next thing we will talk about is the factors by which it is determined. Each patient has different needs depending on the progress of their hair loss, which is why a standard price cannot be determined as with other aesthetic treatments.

What determines the FUE Hair Transplant Cost?

It is impossible to give you the FUE hair transplant cost, as only the plastic surgeon can determine how many hair follicles and all other necessities you will need to give you the best results. This will be told to you during your first appointment with the Cancun Hair Restoration medical team.

However, there are certain factors that you can take into account to start making a budget for your surgery, even if you do not yet have the FUE hair transplant cost. In the following list, we will tell you everything that is taken into account to determine how much the procedure with us can cost you:

  • The clinic you go to: The clinics with the best reputation offer a high-quality service and are generally more expensive than elsewhere. Therefore, if it is a recognized clinic, it is most likely that it will be more expensive.
  • Number of follicles: A hair transplant is charged according to the number of hair follicles that are transplanted; For this reason, the most advanced cases of baldness are more expensive because they require a greater number of grafts.
  • Your travel expenses: Within the budget that you prepare, incorporate the expenses that your vacations will generate within the FUE hair transplant cost. Hotels, transfers, meals and everything that involves a vacation in the Mexican Caribbean.
  • Follow-up and care: It is also important that you take into consideration within the FUE transplant costs are the aftercare. You will need special medicines, soap and shampoo to clean your hair.

At Cancun Hair Restoration, within our service, you will receive quality care from the first moment you enter our clinic. All your service will be in your language, so you will not need to invest in an interpreter. Also, since it is an outpatient surgery, you will not need to stay in our clinic for recovery.

Hair Transplant Cost in other countries

Because costs change, it is not possible to give you exactly how much the FUE hair transplant cost increases, we will give you an approximate percentage of how much prices rise in other countries. In this way, you will know a little better how much you can save by having the procedure done in a clinic like ours.

  • Europe: Compared to countries like the United Kingdom or Germany, the FUE hair transplant cost can be up to double what you would pay here. For example, if in Mexico you pay around 3,000 USD, in Europe you would have to invest 7,000 or 8,000 USD in clinics near your city.
  • Australia: Even though it is far away, many Australians prefer a vacation in Cancun to get an FUE hair transplant. Costs can go up to over $13,000 USD for the same procedure that you can safely do with Cancun Hair Restoration.
  • United States: As in Australia, the FUE hair transplant cost can go above 13,000 USD. For this reason, many of the patients who come to our clinic come from the American Union. Taking a trip to Cancun and having this procedure done here is cheaper than in your country.
  • Canada: This is perhaps the country with the highest FUE transplant costs in the world where costs can go up to 17,000 USD. Many Canadians seek this procedure in Mexico, as the quality is maintained, but the price is incredibly lower.

Getting a hair restoration procedure with us is very simple, just send us a message and we will reply with the approximate FUE hair transplant cost so that you can start planning your trip to Cancun at our clinic. We offer you the highest possible quality and first-class care that you will hardly find in another clinic.

FUE Hair Transplant Cost | Cancun Hair Restoration.

Capilar transplant: which technique you must choose

Capilar transplant; men with a beard

Capilar transplant can be carried out with different techniques that offer incredible results to patients with very advanced hair loss that can hardly be combated with non-surgical treatments. With the intention that you get to know them better, their operation and advantages.

In addition, we will tell you which is the best and so you can ask specifically for the capilar transplant that gives you the best results. Do not forget that if you have more questions regarding hair transplants and other procedures, you can send us a message and a specialist will tell you the answers to all your questions

Capilar Transplant with the best results

First of all, we will talk about the two techniques that give the best capilar transplant results, which are the FUE hair transplant and the FUT. Both techniques are similar, but have different points and are recommended for different types of patients. You will know the advantages that both procedures have, as well as how we carry it out in our clinic.

FUE hair transplant

The FUE hair transplant is perhaps the capilar transplant that our patients resort to the most and the one that has been perfected in recent years in terms of medical technology. The procedure is very simple and minimally invasive; however, the sessions of this operation can last up to 8 hours depending on the needs of the patient.

The procedure of this capilar transplant basically consists of the extraction of follicular units individually from the areas of the head where there is a greater accumulation of hair. These follicles are preserved and then repositioned in the areas where there is hair loss to create the hairline you had in your youth.

One of the main advantages and why many patients seek this capilar transplant is that it does not leave visible marks once the scalp has completely healed. When the follicles are collected individually, only small short ones are made that, once healed, are hidden with the hair.

Approximately, during one session of this capilar transplant, the plastic surgeon can extract between 2,000 and 3,000 follicles that can help patients with advanced, but not irreversible, cases of baldness.

The cheapest way to perform this procedure is through the manual method; although technology has allowed this technique to be perfected

Some of the advantages, in addition to not leaving visible marks, are the following:

  • Being only minimal cuts, you will be able to return to your normal activities after the operation, only with some restrictions.
  • For young patients, this procedure offers permanent results and can often be cheaper.
  • Unlike the FUT hair transplant, this type of hair transplant is easy to hide and after a few months it will not be noticeable that you had the procedure.

FUT hair transplant

FUT hair transplantation is an ideal hair restoration procedure for patients who have a more advanced baldness problem. What makes this technique different from the other used for capilar transplant is the method of collecting the follicles; and although it is more invasive than the previous one, it is possible to collect better follicles.

This procedure consists of removing a strip from the nape of the patient’s head 1 cm high by 20 cm long in order to extract all the hair follicles. When we perform this procedure, we have managed to extract up to 6000 hair follicles that perfectly help patients with advanced baldness.

Although the mark from this cut is more visible, it can easily be hidden by hair growth and wound closure. Once you have healed completely, the mark made on the nape of the head to carry out this capilar transplant will hardly be noticeable.

It is not a common procedure, as it is generally for patients with significant hair loss.

Among the advantages of this hair transplant technique are:

  • As we mentioned before, it is possible to extract a larger number of hair follicles for patients with a serious baldness problem.
  • To carry out the operation, it is not necessary to completely cut the hair and it can be hidden with the rest of the hair.
  • Also, the procedure is faster, as the extraction phase is faster than with the FUE hair transplant.

Which one is the best?

There are clear differences between both capilar transplant procedures and each one has its pros and cons. Within these contrasts, the time that the session lasts and the small cuts that are made to avoid leaving visible marks are the most relevant and that most patients take into account when choosing a procedure.

However, it is necessary that a little before your surgery you go to the plastic surgeon who will perform your operation so that he can indicate which is the ideal treatment for you. With this in mind and reviewing your budget, you can determine which of the two capilar transplant techniques is ideal for you.

At Cancun Hair Restoration, we also have top-level technology to speed up the different capilar transplants we perform. You can ask about them from the contact page and we will give you all the information regarding the procedures. Do not hesitate to send us a message and book your appointment with any of our expert plastic surgeons.

PRP for Hair Loss and the effectiveness

PRP for hair loss; men with blond hair and sunglasses

PRP for hair loss is one of the most sought after procedures in our clinic by patients who begin to show hair loss, mainly related to a genetic problem and advancing age. Unlike other procedures, this can be considered as a preventive method.

Unlike the hair transplant that is already used when there is a hair loss, the PRP for hair loss will help you to strengthen your hair from the follicles. However, it is necessary that you go on different occasions to obtain the best results, as these increase with each session.

In order for you to learn more about a treatment such as PRP for hair loss, we will first talk about how the procedure is carried out and, later, about its effectiveness in patients who begin to show signs of baldness. At the end, we will also tell you how you can get this treatment at a better cost than in clinics in your city

PRP Hair Treatment

PRP hair treatment consists of a very simple procedure that will not take more than 30 minutes; so you can take it by appointment at our clinic. With the intention that you know better how it is carried out, we will tell you in 3 steps how we do it at Cancun Hair Restoration and so you know how it will be once you arrive with us.

  1. Blood extraction: The first thing we have to do is extract a little of your blood to be able to carry out the treatment with plasma-rich platelets. Once we have taken enough for your PRP for hair loss we will place it in a machine to centrifuge and separate the fluids.
  2. Platelet centrifugation: The centrifugation process of the blood to be extracted lasts approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Once finished, it will be possible for the doctor to separate the plasma with low platelets, the blood cells and the plasma rich in platelets.

3. Obtaining the PRP for hair loss: Once the plasma has been separated, the doctor in charge will extract the plasma-rich platelets that will be placed at strategic points on the scalp. In this case, it will be at the points where the hair is thinner and where there is greater hair loss.

PRP Treatment and the results

It is important to mention at this point that a procedure like PRP for hair loss doesn’t show immediate results. It is necessary that you take between 3 and 4 monthly sessions so that the changes are more noticeable after a couple of weeks after the last treatment session.

It will be the medical team of the clinic who will tell you how many sessions you will need to obtain better results and this will depend on the progress of baldness you have. The PRP for hair loss offers better results the more constantly you go to our clinic to receive the treatment.

This will also depend on the age of the patient, the amount of hormones and different genetic issues that also affect hair loss. Before you enter your first PRP session for hair loss, the medical team will review you to determine how many sessions you will need to get results.

The effectiveness of PRP for Hair Loss

Although many studies are still being carried out regarding the effectiveness of a treatment with PRP, not only for hair loss, but also for the treatment of joints and motor problems that patients with arthritis may have, many still do not consider that there is a lot of study about it.

However, the few works that have been carried out have proven to be effective and the cases that we have had in our clinic prove that it is a treatment that can offer great results. In one of the 20 most recent studies, carried out on different people with different levels of baldness, PRP for hair loss showed very good results.

The patients were divided into groups of between 30, 40, 50 and up to 80 patients; most of them received 3 injection sessions and only a couple of groups had 4 and 5 sessions. In all cases, after 3 months they began to notice a change in the strength of the hair; and at 6 months, they began to show significant hair growth.

A treatment to combat baldness such as PRP for hair loss is much cheaper than a hair transplant and offers incredible results for a relatively long time. It can definitely be a procedure that you can access at a clinic specialized in hair restoration with CHR.

To schedule your appointment for a PRP treatment for hair loss , you just have to send us a message from our contact page and book your first session with our medical team. Write us and we will tell you the dates available for you to come to your first sessions and start to see a change in your hair.

Hair Micropigmentation: know more about the procedure

Hair micropigmentation; bald man with hair micropigmentation

At Cancun Hair Restoration, we are specialists in all types of procedures that help hair restoration and that includes non-surgical treatments such as hair micropigmentation. For this reason, we decided to make a blog where we explain in a little more detail what this procedure consisted of and how it can help you if you have hair loss problems.

This procedure is for many a temporary but long-lasting solution for thinning hair or even its loss. Therefore, hair micropigmentation may be an option for you if you are beginning to notice that your hair is no longer as abundant as it used to be a few years ago.

How is the Hair Micropigmentation procedure made?

Hair loss is something that most, if not all people in the world will experience at some point in their lives. In certain cases, regardless of age, hair loss can start to wreak havoc on anyone. Although it is generally a men’s problem, women are not exempt from suffering from baldness.

Hair thinning and hair loss can be present in each patient at different levels and hair micropigmentation can be the solution for those who have not seen significant changes in their appearance. 

Being a non-surgical procedure, it is safer and you will be able to appreciate the results from the end of the treatment.

Basically, hair micropigmentation consists of creating small dots in different layers and in black tones or the color of your hair with the intention of creating a shadow on the scalp. This style known as pointillism creates depth and definition to the head, giving the hair the appearance of being naturally fuller.

Only a professional has the ability to carry out a procedure like hair micropigmentation, since they have to create spots that have the appearance of a natural hair follicle and can blend perfectly with your skin. Anyone with baldness problems can have this procedure done.

Most of the patients who seek a treatment such as hair micropigmentation tend to have severe hair loss and just want to appear to have more hair. Patients with alopecia or advanced pattern baldness, even patients with cancer or any other disease that causes hair loss.

Although it is not a painful treatment, before starting the hair micropigmentation, the CHR specialist will place an anesthetic on the skin to prevent you from having any discomfort during the procedure. Later, it will be enough for you to take care of your skin while it finishes healing, but it will not take more than a couple of weeks for you to see the results.

What to do before your Hair Micropigmentation appointment?

In order for you to have the best results, we will give you some tips that you can follow so that your hair micropigmentation is a success. The following four tips that we will give you will guarantee that the procedure is carried out in the best possible way, so take them into account

    1. Take a bath before arriving at the clinic, not only for hygiene, but also because you won’t be able to get your scalp wet for at least four days.
    2. Free up your schedule, since a capillary micropigmentation session usually lasts between four and five hours; so bring a book or something to distract yourself with.
    3. During your first appointment, ask how many sessions you will need to get the results you expect; in some cases, more than one is necessary.
    4. Schedule your sessions with Cancun Hair Restoration in advance; You can ask for availability at our clinic from our website.

    Once you have finished the hair micropigmentation, follow to the letter all the care that the CHR team gives you; such as: avoid exposing yourself to the sun for a long time, swimming, using steam rooms and any other activity that involves your scalp getting wet.

    What can you expect from the Hair Micropigmentation treatment?

    Regarding your expectations about the results you will have after hair micropigmentation, it is important to first note that these will not be permanent. However, they can last up to five years, a factor that can vary depending on the patient and the material used during the procedure.

    Another important factor to note is that you will not have to invest as much money as you would with a more specialized procedure such as a hair transplant; without forgetting that hair micropigmentation is a completely safe procedure, since we use vegetable pigments that do not cause allergic reactions.

    Get 100 percent natural-looking results with Cancun Hair Restoration’s hair micropigmentation; contact us now from our website and ask about this treatment and all the others we have for hair restoration. We are experts in this branch of medical aesthetics and with CHR you will be in the best hands.

Plastic Surgery that will be on trend During 2023

Plastic surgery; woman preparing for a facial plastic surgery

Plastic surgery; Close-up of a patient about to undergo surgery.

Just like fashion, plastic surgery has trends and changes from time to time; breast or buttock implants have marked important times before and every now and then they come back. Therefore, on this occasion we will talk about those that, according to the experts of the CHR, will mark the next year.

Regarding what will mark 2023, facial procedures will be the most common. Not only those that require surgical intervention, but also temporary ones that improve the appearance of the skin and erase those annoying wrinkles that appear over time.

Generally, these trends in plastic surgery are based on technological advances or media issues, as in the world of fashion. This time both factors predominate, as the natural look is the current cosmetic trend and facelifts have recently been perfected.

Our patients are looking for a wrinkle-free face and extremely smooth and healthy skin. Therefore, 2023 will be the year when plastic surgery for the face will be one of those that will remain on trend. Now, we tell you a little bit about the procedures that will be most sought after during the next 12 months. Reconstructive plastic surgery and plastic surgery clinic will be in high demand, as well as procedures involving body tissue and blood vessels. Surgery involves various parts of the body, and patients will be looking for options that provide natural and long-lasting results.

Plastic Surgery trends for 2023

As we mentioned to you during the introduction, facial procedures will mark the next year, especially facelifts. Commonly, this procedure was performed on elderly people in whom the passage of age is more noticeable.

However, it is most likely that younger people will begin to come to our aesthetic clinic for this renewed procedure so that it is a lighter stretch. 

The purpose like these is to delay aging a little more and prevent wrinkles from becoming too noticeable.

A procedure like these consists of making small incisions at certain points on the face to stretch the skin and completely disappear the most marked facial lines. In mild cases, the changes are significant but the procedure is simpler and less invasive; the plastic surgeon will tell you everything you need to know about it according to your case.

Brow lift and more facial procedures

2023 will be marked by plastic surgery procedures related to the face and another of those that will stand out will be the eyebrow lift. This procedure has as a permanent result what treatments such as Botox or fillers generate. By having a longer duration, more people will begin to undergo a procedure like this.

This and other types of facial arrangements will be some of the procedures that are most sought after in plastic surgery 2023. In addition, it is important to note that they will not be the only aesthetic procedures for the face that will be sought during the next year; will also follow:

  • Injectables like Botox or different types of fillers .
  • Facial implants, either chin or cheekbone.
  • Rhinoplasties, whether corrective or aesthetic.
  • All types of facelift, whether forehead, neck or eyelid.

Plastic surgery; Young man being admitted to a clinic.

Plastic surgery in Mexico during 2023

In 2023, it experienced an unprecedented boom in Mexico, with trends marked by the search for aesthetic perfection and self-expression. This surgical specialty encompasses a wide range of procedures, from rhinoplasties to liposuction, which have become increasingly popular throughout the country.

One of the main reasons for this growing demand lies in the influence of social media and the beauty standards imposed by contemporary culture. Mexicans are increasingly seeking facial and body harmonization to reflect an idealized image, driven by constant exposure to retouched images and filters on digital platforms.

In addition, accessibility and improved surgical techniques have democratized access to these procedures, previously considered exclusive to an elite few. Now, people from diverse social backgrounds can choose to improve some part of the body and feel more confident with their appearance.

In this context, it has become a tool for personal empowerment, where individuals seek to enhance their natural beauty and project an image that reflects their unique identity. Thus, the trend toward the pursuit of aesthetic perfection continues to drive the demand for surgical procedures in Mexico.

The most important parts of Plastic Surgery During 2023

While there will be several procedures that are sought after more than others over the next year, there are certain factors that will define any cosmetic procedure. This especially now that patients have access to more treatments. We define three important factors: quantity, a natural appearance and health.

  • Quantity: Well, it says that in certain cases “less is more” because that will apply in plastic surgery during 2023. Breast augmentations that are too large are no longer something for this time and in certain cases it will only be necessary to lift small implants.
  • Natural appearance: Another point that will have great weight for aesthetic procedures is to give the patient a natural appearance. No matter what surgery is involved, the purpose is that the final result looks excellent.
  • Health: Something that will always be a priority in plastic surgery is health, no matter what year it is. Therefore, regardless of the procedure you want, if you are not in the condition to undergo the procedure, it is better not to have it done.

Although beauty procedures and treatments for the face will mark plastic surgery  during 2023, breast augmentation and liposuction will continue to be part of aesthetic operations. At our clinic, we specialize in all types of aesthetic intervention, not just hair restoration.

If you are looking to get quality plastic surgery and not invest too much money in it, a trip to Cancun may be your solution. We know that the costs in the United States and Canada can be very high; Therefore, you can return from your Cancun vacation with a completely new figure or face; Contact us now from our official page.

FUE Implants: Costs, procedure and more about this treatment

FUE implants; man at the beach

FUE Implants are the most sought after in our hair restoration clinic since they are the most economical in price and offer excellent results. The experts who collaborate in Cancun Hair Restoration know this procedure perfectly, since they have the appropriate studies, extensive experience and adequate facilities.

As experts in the field of hair restoration, we decided to make this blog to give you important details regarding the FUE implant placement procedure, as well as the costs of the surgery and the factors that define it. All this must be taken into consideration if you have decided to undergo treatment with us or at any other clinic.

In the first instance, and since we know that it is one of the most important issues about FUE implants, we will talk about its cost and the factors that make it change. Then we will explain a little about the procedure and how we carry it out at CHR; and, finally, you will know how this differs from other treatments.

FUE Hair Transplant cost

The first and most important thing to know regarding the cost of FUE hair transplant is that there is no fixed figure for everyone for this procedure. Every patient is different and only the doctor can say how much you will have to pay for your procedure. This is because there are different factors that must be taken into consideration to carry it out.

FUE implants; CHR doctor making FUE implants

In the first instance, what can define an approximate cost of FUE implants is the number of follicles that need to be extracted to obtain the best possible results. For this reason, the cases in which the hair loss is more advanced, the operation is more expensive than in those in which there is not much hair loss.

In order to define this in the best possible way, you have to go to our clinic so that the surgeon can define how many follicles will be necessary. Generally, between 2,500 and 3,000 FUE implants are required to obtain favorable results after the operation. However, there may be cases where fewer or more of these are needed.

When the patient requires more FUE implants, on certain occasions more than one session is necessary, which would increase the cost. In addition to these costs, they include the charges of the plastic surgeon, the use of medicines and various materials, as well as what you will have to spend during post-operative care, even if it is not much of the latter.

You will know all this information exactly during your first appointment at our clinic, when the plastic surgeon analyzes your case with precision. If you require more precise information regarding this topic, you can send us a message from our contact section and as soon as we see it we will answer all the questions you still have about it.

FUE Implants process

FUE implants; FUE hair transplant surgery

The acronym FUE of FUE implants means follicular unit extraction, which means that the procedure consists of the extraction one by one of the hair follicles. This with the intention of not leaving visible marks, as occurs in other procedures that require a greater number of hair follicles.

This hair restoration method is the most modern currently available and has only been perfected with the use of devices such as the ARTAS robot that speed up the process. Obtaining FUE implants is the best and their placement allows you to obtain a completely natural appearance, as long as you go to an expert plastic surgeon.

During this procedure, which can last up to 12 hours, the plastic surgeon will be in charge of extracting each one of the hair follicles and keeping them in conservation so that they can withstand the entire process. Once you have obtained enough to solve your baldness problem, you will begin to place the FUE implants in the donor area.

In order to extract them, you have to make small cuts to facilitate their extraction without damaging the root and thus reposition it in the donor area. The placement of FUE implants is a relatively simple and minimally invasive process; but, due to the number of follicles that have to be extracted to obtain the best results, the operation can last up to 12 hours.

FUE Implants vs other hair Restoration procedures

The two most well-known and currently used hair restoration procedures are FUE and FUT hair transplantation. As we already mentioned, FUE implants are obtained one by one so as not to leave significant visible marks; instead, FUTs are taken from a 20cm strip of hair that will be taken from the nape of your head.

In some cases, FUT hair transplantation is better, especially those that require a larger number of hair follicles, as well as for budget reasons. When you arrive at our clinic for your first review, the plastic surgeon will tell you what the best procedure will be depending on your case of hair loss.

Are FUE Implants worth it?

Yes, definitely yes. If you have had a baldness problem for a long time, the only permanent solution you will find is FUE implants. The change you will have once you start to see the final results; although they are not seen immediately after the operation. Once they have adapted you will notice the real change.

If you are looking for the best attention, Cancun Hair Restoration is your best option; We offer you lower costs than any other clinic in your country, first-class care and, incidentally, you can enjoy a few days in the paradise that is the Mexican Caribbean on the beautiful beaches of Cancun. Get in touch with us right now and schedule an appointment now.

Lip Fillers Before and After: how the results will be?

Lip fillers before and after; woman with a needle for lip filler

The lip fillers before and after will be very noticeable from your first session at Cancun Hair Restoration. These results will last for a long time and will not affect your body in any way; however, eventually your body will absorb them and they will return to their original state.

If what you want is that this before and after lip fillers has a longer duration, in this blog we will tell you some points that you can take into consideration so that it is so and what can affect its duration. In addition, we will tell you what these fillers are made of and how you can get your first session at our clinic.

More about lip fillers

The lips Fillers can be made of different substances, but the one that is most used because it is natural and gives excellent results is hyaluronic acid, which is found naturally in the body. What this filler does on your lips is give them more volume without looking overdone, fully define them and give them a better appearance.

Keep in mind that a plastic surgeon is the most suitable person to apply lip fillers inside an office or clinic. Not only will this ensure that you get the best results, but it will also prevent you from having any problems later due to poor filler application.

It doesn’t matter how safe the lips are fillers that you are going to apply, if the person who injects you with the filler is not someone with experience, you could suffer serious consequences. Therefore, when looking for this procedure, make sure that the place you choose is a clinic specialized in aesthetic procedures such as Cancun Hair Restoration.

If the lip fillers are correctly apply, the before and after of the procedure is more noticeable, the specialist has to distribute the filler homogeneously on the lips and there are no more bulky areas than others. By going to a clinic or center of poor quality, you will be putting at risk, not only your appearance, but also your health.

Lip fillers before and after; doctor applying lip fillers

Lip Fillers Before and After results

The lip fillers before and after will be more noticeable a couple of days after you come to our clinic to apply it; especially once the swelling from the lip injections has gone down and any residue has been spread out well so that it doesn’t leave a lump.

The main results you will see before and after lip fillers are:

  • Lips with greater volume: This is the main result that you will see after the procedure and the one that will surely interest you the most. The medical team will make a recommendation of how much volume is best for you without damaging your skin.
  • Elimination of bumps: It is possible that after applying the lip fillers left some lumps on your lips; this in a couple of days will disappear and they will look natural. Also if you have something that doesn’t make them symmetrical, this procedure will fix it.
  • Greater definition on the lips: Another result that you can see in the before and after lip fillers is the definition on your lips. These will stand out more and each line will be defined in the best way.
  • Moisturized lips: By using a lip filler such as hyaluronic acid, it will be possible for you to notice how the skin of your lips looks more moisturized and with a better color. This will give you a more natural and beautiful appearance.

You will have these results as long as you go to a recognized clinic where they guarantee that the material they use is of quality and who will apply your fillers is someone expert. The lip fillers before and after you are looking for, you’ll get it in a specialized center such as Cancun Hair Restoration, so schedule your appointment now.

Lip fillers before and after; lip fillers application"

How you can keep your Lip Fillers Before and After more time?

Maintain the results you see in the before and after lip fillers is relatively easy and you won’t have to completely change your daily routine. The following three tips that we will give you will help you, not only so that your lips keep the fillers longer, but also to improve your body in general.

  1. Maintain a balanced diet: Especially with anti-inflammatory foods for the first few days after your session that are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Avoid foods with a lot of sugar and that affect your health such as junk food, which affect your levels of collagen and hyaluronic acid.
  2. Go with specialists: An expert surgeon will properly apply the filler to guarantee its duration; In addition, you will use medical grade equipment and not simple syringes to apply the hyaluronic acid. Also, you will be sure that the material used is of good quality and is not discounted.
  3. Use more treatments : There are many other treatments that will give you incredible results to increase the size of your lips and keep it longer. If you combine them with the use of lip fillers , you will make the appearance you achieve with this procedure more durable.

Schedule your appointment now with the best clinic specializing in hair restoration and aesthetic procedures in Cancun: Cancun Hair Restoration. We guarantee that after your first session you will notice the difference between the lip fillers before and after immediately.

PRP Hair Treatment, how effective really is?

PRP hair treatment; man with red hair

As experts in hair regrowth material, we can tell you that PRP hair treatment is completely effective. The results that our patients have had with this procedure are incredible and if you are looking for a place to have this procedure done, Cancun Hair Restoration is the clinic to go to.

To convince you about the results that you will have with the PRP hair treatment, we made this new blog in which we will explain how we carry it out, the results that you will have and how it manages to strengthen your hair follicles, as well as promote natural hair growth. over time.

PRP hair treatment on crown of head

PRP Hair Treatment with the best results

PRP hair treatment is mainly used to treat and stop hair loss in men and women. This procedure involves injecting plasma-rich platelets into the scalp to strengthen existing follicles and promote the growth of lost hair on the skin.

PRP injections are used in different regenerative treatments, especially for problems in the musculoskeletal system of the body. In the case of our clinic, we use it for patients who have a certain degree of hair loss with the intention of stopping this process and promoting its recovery in a certain time.

Although in the medical field there are not yet enough studies on PRP hair treatment, in all the patients who have come to Cancun Hair Restoration who have resorted to the procedure, we have seen incredible results. You can schedule your appointment with an expert in hair regeneration from our clinic from our contact page.

As for the process of the PRP hair treatment, it consists of four important steps to obtain plasma-rich platelets and apply them to the scalp; These steps or stages are:

  1. First we extract the blood so that there are no problems of rejection by your body. It is not much that will be needed for the injection that we will use during the PRP hair treatment, so do not worry about it.
  2. With enough blood extracted, we will place it in a centrifuge machine that will be responsible for separating the plasma-rich platelets from the blood. This lasts between 15 and 20 minutes, so this procedure will not take long.
  3. Before applying PRP injections to your scalp, we have to extract the platelets from the separated mixture and determine the points on your head where they will be placed; this will take the medical team a couple of minutes.
  4. Finally, we will finish the PRP hair treatment with the application of the platelets in specific points of the scalp to promote the strengthening and growth of the hair in a natural way.

Results of PRP Hair Treatment

As we mentioned at the beginning, it will take a while for you to start noticing the results of the PRP hair treatment. However, little by little you will begin to see how your hair feels stronger and stops falling out more easily. You will see this regardless of the origin of your hair loss, you will obtain good results with the procedure.

At this point, it is important to mention that it will depend on how advanced your baldness problem is to determine if this is the ideal treatment for you. If you have requested a lot of hair, perhaps what you need most is a hair transplant that solves the problem completely and not just a PRP hair treatment.

For relatively minor cases of hair loss, a PRP hair treatment will give incredible results in stopping this problem. To determine this, it is best that you have a first appointment with the Cancun Hair Restoration medical team, where we will determine how advanced your baldness is and we will know how to continue your treatment.

PRP hair treatment on the forehead

PRP Hair Treatment studies

Being a relatively new procedure, PRP hair treatment does not have many studies that support its 100 percent effectiveness. However, three important investigations have been carried out in this regard that have shown that it can be an effective procedure for hair regrowth.

The first of them was done in 2014, where the PRP hair treatment was performed on 11 people for two weeks and after 3 months it was possible to notice a growth of the hair follicles. A year later a similar experiment was carried out on 10 people and very similar growth results were obtained.

The third is the largest study ever done on PRP hair treatment and it was on 30 people and the results were very promising. However, in the three studies a broader registry has not been made; therefore, it is not yet possible to determine if it is really 100 percent effective.

What we can determine from these works is that PRP hair treatment is very promising to remedy hair loss. If you are interested in undergoing this procedure and have more questions about it, you can send us a message from our contact page and schedule your first appointment at our clinic now.

What is the PRP Injection treatment about?

PRP injections; man grabbing his hair

PRP injections are a relatively new treatment that have been shown to have incredible results in hair regrowth. In addition, it is used as a method to regenerate and heal problems in joints, muscles and in different parts of the body. Therefore, it is important that more and more know it and take advantage of all its benefits.

That is why in this new blog post we will talk about what PRP injections treatment is. As we carry it out in Cancun Hair Restoration and we will tell you some of the advantages it has, especially those related to the recovery and strengthening of the hair.

Doctor preparing a PRP injection

Know more about PRP Injections

PRP injections or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is a regenerative medicine treatment that harnesses and amplifies the body’s ability for natural regeneration to heal virtually any tissue. As its name indicates, to perform this treatment, plasma from your own blood is used to prevent any rejection.

The plasma in PRP injections is the liquid part of your blood, so it’s made up mostly of water and protein, as well as some of the red blood cells and white blood cells that circulate through your veins. The blood platelets found in the plasma are primarily responsible for carrying out the natural recovery of the body.

The process to extract and apply the plasma used in PRP injections consists of four simple steps that we will explain below:

  1. First we have to draw a certain amount of blood , depending on how many PRP injections you require. By using your own blood, your body will not reject the treatment and you will get better results.
  2. Once we have enough blood for the procedure, it is placed in a special machine to centrifuge it in order to separate the plasma-rich platelets from the blood. This process can take 15 to 20 minutes; the doctor will tell you at the time.
  3. The next step is to extract the plasma platelets and place them in the PRP injections to have everything ready for application. This preparation phase also includes determining where on the head it will be applied for best results.
  4. With everything ready, we move on to the last part of the procedure, which is the application of PRP injections at the points defined by the doctor. This will depend on where you have more baldness problems.

It is important to note that treatment with PRP injections will not give you immediate results like other procedures. Instead, you will start to notice the difference a couple of months after the application; In addition, it may be necessary for you to attend several times for different application sessions.

Centrifuge machine for PRP Injections

What are the PRP Injections benefits?

As we mentioned before, PRP injections are used within regenerative medicine and, particularly, at Cancun Hair Restoration we use this treatment for patients with baldness problems. However, it is widely used as a treatment for people with ruptures in tendons and joints, as well as in the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, the combination of red blood cells and white blood cells with proteins, facilitates the desinflammation in muscles in a better way than the most used opioids. Also, tendonitis and other conditions that many athletes may suffer from are easily treated with PRP injections.

As for the benefits that PRP injections have for people with hair loss problems, some of these are stopping hair loss; especially, with those patients who already have a well-defined pattern of baldness. It can prevent hair loss and recover lost hair after a while.

Another use of PRP injections is for skin care and regeneration, as the plasma-rich platelets alleviate the most visible signs of aging. Wrinkles and sagging are two of the problems that you can solve with a treatment like this.

If you are looking to perform this treatment with the intention of solving any of these problems, it is best to go to a specialized clinic that has the necessary tools to carry it out. In this way, you will be guaranteed the best possible results and you will be able to get the most out of PRP injections.

Although, you will need several sessions of PRP injections to obtain important and long-lasting results; At the end, you will see the change and you will be convinced that it is the ideal treatment for hair regeneration. Approximately, over a year, you will require 3 PRP injections to obtain the best effects.

At Cancun Hair Restoration, we offer you different hair regeneration treatments and that includes the PRP injection. As experts in the field, we are your best option in quality and price, so schedule your first session right now from our contact page.