The pros of the hair transplant surgery

Maybe you are considering a hair transplant in Cancun because you want a procedure to the highest quality for the best price, and a beautiful place to recover yourself, but you are not sure at all about to do it. This is because you do not know the pros of the hair transplant. Do you want to know more? Continue reading.

What is a hair transplant?

Hair Transplantation is a surgical technique that extracts follicles from the sane part of the scalp, also called “the donor site”, and implants them into a balding area termed “the recipient site”. The donor site is selected looking for the hair follicles that are genetically immune to alopecia such as on the posterior and sides of the scalp. These follicles are transplanted to the affected areas. General, then hair transplants are used to restore the hair, the beard hair in men, eyelashes, chest hair, and eyebrows.

Hair transplantation surgery is proven to be effective. On average, the success rate of the transplanted grafts, are very high at about 99%. However, in order to reap these positive results, one must first understand the pros to hair transplants.

Pros of hair transplants

Hair loss caused due to genetic or hormonal conditions. In a easily way the hair loss cannot be modified by these measures. The best option which shows guaranteed result is hair transplant. Here are some advantages of hair transplant.


The whole hair is intact, which enhances the finalized outcome. The distribution of the follicles is done in a well-balanced manner, and this increases the chances of successful transplantation.

Natural appearance

The hair transplantation surgery is always aimed at looking natural and subtle. The transplanted hairs blend seamlessly into your other hairs, forming a natural look. No one will know about your hair transplant. It will be your secret.

Safe and painless

The hair transplant surgery only requires local anesthesia, and the effect does not last long. To make the process, surgeon only need sharper blades. This procedure requires no incision and sewing. In fact, the hair transplant is an effective process is carried out safely and is painless.

Procedure with long-term results

Yes, it is true: hair transplantation is carried out in multiple session. But the procedure is for only one time. After its implantation treatment, post-operation maintenance and touch-ups, you can enjoy your hair, because the most significant advantage of hair transplant is to get you a long-term result, Pros of the hair transplant.

Guaranteed Results

The instant result is the advantage of hair transplant surgery that attracts many candidates. The results of the hair transplant will last for a lifetime. Around to 6-9 months after the procedure you can see the 50% growth of new hair.

If you are looking for a peaceful place to recover yourself before the procedure, contact us. We are waiting for you. Come to Cancun today and have a great hair.