Implants: Can you lost them after the surgery?

Man with raised hair looking at the ground

One of the questions that our patients at Cancun Hair Restoration ask us the most is if, after surgery, they can lose the hair implants placed. To all of them, we give the same answer: no. This is a completely effective procedure that completely stops hair loss.

However, poor care of hair implants can cause them to fall out and the permanent results sought with surgery may not be achieved. For this reason, in this blog we will talk about the reasons why you could lose your hair grafts and we will give you some recommendations so that this does not happen.

Why you might lose the Hair Implants?

The first thing that we must clarify is that under normal conditions the transplanted hair will not be lost in the way that occurs when you have a baldness problem. However, due to the nature of hair, hair implants have life and growth cycles in order for them to have enough strength and you will not suffer from hair loss again.

From each of the hair implants, several hairs will grow naturally in the area where the plastic surgeon places them. While they adapt to the new area of the head, a hair loss known as shedding can occur in which the few hairs that have grown in the healing stage will fall out; But don’t worry, they will grow again.

This is a completely normal effect in the months after hair transplant surgery, as hair implants go from the development phase to the resting phase, at which point the hair falls out. Therefore, it can be said that the hair that will be born again will have more strength and quality, so you have nothing to worry about when this happens.

Doctor placing hair implants in patient

However, when the surgery is not carried out properly, the hair implants can fall out because they were not placed correctly. So, when looking for a hair transplant clinic, make sure it has the necessary equipment, an experienced medical team, and top-notch facilities.

Some of the reasons for hair implants to fall out and not obtain the desired results are:

  • The plastic surgeon who performed the operation doesn’t know the proper techniques of removal, placement or removal of hair implants during hair the hair transplant.
  • Your alopecia problem in the receiving area of the hair transplant wasn’t diagnosed by the doctor during the first appointment; so the hair transplant didn’t work.
  • In some cases, patients develop post-surgical lichen planus pillars which causes the skin to destroy all the hair implants placed; But this is a rare side effect.
  • When placing each of the hair implants, if they are not at the correct distance or if the incisions are too large, they can also fall out.
  • When each of the hair implants are removed, if healthy hair follicles are accidentally damaged they may also fall out after surgery.

To prevent any of these three reasons for the loss of hair implants, it’s important that you go to a clinic that has experience in a procedure as detailed and thorough as hair transplantation. So come to Cancun Hair Restoration, the clinic specialized in this type of surgery against baldness and hair loss problems.

Another reason why hair implants can fall out is due to stress and poor care during the following months after the operation. That is why in the next section you will know all the ways in which you can prevent this from happening. Remember to always follow your doctor’s instructions so that you get the best possible results.

How can you prevent the loss of your Hair Implants?

There is no pharmacological treatment that will help your hair implants to strengthen quickly and prevent them from falling out. The secret is in the care you give your scalp during the first weeks after your operation. It may be necessary to take minoxidil or some other support medications, but it will depend on each case.

The following 10 tips will be very useful for you so that you don’t lose your hair implants; some are for before your surgery and the others for after:

Pre-operative care

  1. Don’t completely shave your head before surgery; The doctor will tell you what is the minimum length that your hair must have to obtain hair implants.
  2. Do not take medications that can dilute your blood such as aspirin as they can cause the surgery not to be carried out properly.
  3. Avoid drinking alcohol at all costs, at least a couple of days before your hair transplant; this to make sure the anesthesia takes effect.
  4. Also avoid smoking, as this will decrease blood flow to the scalp and affect newly placed hair implants in your scalp.
  5. Make sure that your scalp doesn’t have alterations such as scaling, eczema or seborrhea that prevent the placement of hair implants.

Post-operative care

  1. Don’t touch your head after finishing the operation and prevent anything else from doing it; You’ll have to sleep sitting up for a couple of nights.
  2. You will have to stop exercising for at least two weeks for two reasons: to prevent skin infection and hair implants from falling out.
  3. Get as far out of the sun as possible; your skin will be very sensitive and will not be able to heal naturally and it will affect the area where the hair implants were placed.
  4. Follow all the indications that your surgeon makes regarding cleaning and care of your scalp, specially where the hair implants were placed.
  5. You will have to forget about hats, helmets and any other accessory that covers your head for at least a month while your scalp heals.

Long-haired man looking at a photo camera

If you follow these tips you’ll be guaranteed that none of your hair implants will fall out after your hair transplant surgery. Also, make sure you go to an experienced clinic like Cancun Hair Restoration; You can schedule your appointment from this moment on our contact page.

Hair Plugs: How are harvested for a hair transplant?

Hand with tweezers holding a hair plug

To obtain the largest number of hair plugs for a successful transplant, it is necessary that the operation be performed by an expert plastic surgeon. You need to have a steady hand that can properly extract them and not damage them in the process to graft them back into the area where they will be placed.

The definitive solution to problems of baldness, hair loss and alopecia is undoubtedly a hair transplant. With this procedure you’ll be able to recover the capillary mass that you had in your youth, as long as it is done in a high quality clinic. Only an experienced surgeon can extract enough hair plugs to correct these problems.

Long-haired man leaning on a brick wall

So that you know about the hair transplant procedure and how the plastic surgeon will be in charge of obtaining all the hair plugs, in this blog we will talk about the procedure that is followed to extract, preserve and place them on the head. Remember that, if you have more questions about each hair regeneration treatment, you can contact us from our page.

The different techniques to obtain the Hair Plugs

The first part of the process to obtain hair plugs is the extraction; In this first step, the surgeon must be very careful to cut properly without affecting them. There are three hair transplant techniques that we perform at Cancun Hair Restoration and that are the most effective to achieve a better result and we will talk about them in the following list:

This procedure is one of the most common and most effective there is; This consists of extracting one by one the hair plugs from the donor area. Generally, they are extracted from the area of the nape or the sides of the head, which is where there is a greater volume of hair. The plastic surgeon has to make sure that they are strong enough to withstand the transplant.

One of the advantages of this procedure is that it doesn’t leave visible scars on the head with the naked eye. The small cuts that the doctor will make to extract and place all the hair plugs necessary for the procedure close quickly and are not noticeable. It is a long process, but with very little risk and with incredible final results.

  • Strip Follicular Unit Extraction or FUT Hair Transplantation

This hair plug extraction procedure is used when the problem of baldness is greater or very advanced, since it is sought to obtain the biggest number of follicles in a single session. It consists of cutting a strip of hair from the area of the never of 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 inches); in this way they can be preserved more easily and obtain a greater quantity.

Once the strip is perfectly extracted from the head, it is divided into micro-units of hair plugs to be able to place them in the recipient area more easily. The scar from the cut is more visible than those left by the FUE hair transplant; however, with hair growth it can be covered after it fully heals.

  • Extraction of follicular units with ARTAS robot

Compared to the two previous procedures, the extraction of hair plugs with the ARTAS robot is faster and more effective. The procedure is very similar to the FUE hair transplant; however, the difference is that in this case the plastic surgeon uses the ARTAS robotic arm to obtain them.

The cuts made by the ARTAS robotic arm are millimetric and fast; therefore, being more accurate, all hair plugs are better preserved than manually. A hair transplant session with this state-of-the-art tool is faster than either of the other two forms of extraction.

The conservation of the Hair Plugs

The next step in the hair transplant process is the conservation of each of the hair grafts . Approximately, in each session between 2,500 and 3,000 follicles are obtained, which must remain as intact as possible for the duration of the surgery. It is a long procedure and it is very important that they are handled properly and not damaged.

It is important that the plastic surgeon creates the right conditions for it to survive and for this it’s important to consider two factors: dehydration and heating. All the hair grafts obtain during the first part of the procedure must remain with the correct humidity and temperature so that the extracted hair plugs are not damaged.

As soon as they are removed from the donor area, the hair follicles begin to deteriorate and the way to keep them moist is with a saline solution, either with saline, hypothermosol or a similar product. In this way, the first factor for the conservation of hair plug will be covered.

To keep them at the correct temperature, specialized equipment is used to keep them cold without damaging them. This is how it is achieved that none of the properties and physiological characteristics of the hair plugs are affected. The low temperature must be maintained throughout the procedure to ensure none are lost.

Expert hands to place all the Hair Plugs

When the extraction of hair plugs is finished and there are already enough follicles to correct the baldness problem. The plastic surgeon will begin to place them properly according to the design of the hairline that he traced before starting the surgery.

Man with a blue shirt with flowers, hairstyle and beard

To place all the hair plugs, the plastic surgeon must draw a map so that the final result has a natural appearance and is not different from the rest of your hair. Therefore, only a doctor with experience in hair transplant is indicated to carry out this procedure.

This is how the hair transplant is carried out, from the extraction of the hair plugs to their placement in the recipient area. If you are looking to have a hair transplant in an experienced clinic, Cancun Hair Restoration is the right place; schedule your appointment from our website now!

Breast Augmentation Surgery: Everything you must know about it

Patient with doctor for breast augmentation surgery.

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most well-known and sought after aesthetic procedures not only in our clinic, but throughout the world. As its name indicates, in this procedure what is sought is to increase the size of the breasts, although on certain occasions this corresponds to a change in their shape.

Also known as mammoplasty, breast augmentation surgery has to be performed by a doctor specialized in aesthetic procedures so that your health is not at risk. So that you know a little more about this operation, in this blog we will give you every detail about it, from how it is done, to the entire post-operative process.

In the end, we will tell you what you can do if you want to have breast augmentation surgery, where you have to go and what you should ask so that you are sure that you arrive at the right clinic. We will tell you everything you wanted to know about this operation here at CHR, as we are experts in this and in different aesthetic procedures.

How is a Breast Augmentation Surgery done?

Basically, breast augmentation surgery or mammoplasty is an aesthetic medical procedure that involves placing silicone implants under the breast tissue and, in some cases, under the chest muscles. In this way, the breasts are increased to the size that the patient considers appropriate for her.

The implants that are placed for breast augmentation surgery are completely safe, whether they are filled with sterile salt water, also known as saline, or silicone, the most used for them. Both materials are completely safe and you will not have problems with rejection by your body.

It is a relatively simple operation that is generally performed on an outpatient basis; this means that you will be able to return to your home, your hotel or wherever you are staying the same day after your operation. From there, you only need to rest for a few days to allow your body to fully heal.

Breast Augmentation Surgery: The procedures

As for the procedure, this is very easy to carry out and, compared to other procedures, quite short. Before placing the implants for breast augmentation surgery, an anesthesiologist will give you general anesthesia. Therefore, all the time you will remain asleep without feeling the slightest pain.

In rare cases where the patient cannot be asleep during breast augmentation surgery, the anesthesiologist will apply a local anesthetic and medication to numb the chest area and prevent pain during the procedure. However, these cases are not very common; the plastic surgeon will tell you every detail during your first visit.

Two doctors performing breast augmentation surgery.

As we mentioned at the beginning , implants for breast augmentation surgery can be placed in two ways; however, there are different techniques to do it. Each doctor can perform it in a different way and this will depend a lot on the patient, the size they want to increase and different factors.

These different breast augmentation surgery techniques are:

  • The most used technique for breast augmentation surgery is when the plastic surgeon makes a small cut in the lower part of the breast. Then he makes an opening to be able to place the implant; however, this procedure can leave a small mark that will be noticeable especially if you are younger and thinner.
  • Another method used in breast augmentation surgery is where the surgeon cuts under the arm to place the implant with the support of an endoscope. In the breasts there will not be a single mark; however, the scar from the cut on his arm would be much more visible than the one from the first.
  • The third way to perform breast augmentation surgery is when the doctor makes a cut in the edge of the nipple areola to place the saline implant. This method is the least used because it can cause loss of sensitivity in the area and even problems breastfeeding.
  • The latest breast augmentation surgery technique is performed with saline implants only; The doctor makes an incision in the navel to place the implant. Again, they lean on the endoscope to accommodate it in the breast area and later, once it has been placed, the implant is filled to the expected size with saline solution.

The expectation and effects of a Breast Augmentation Surgery

The expectations you have for the results of breast augmentation surgery will depend on the size you want to be. Remember that the larger you want the implants, the higher their cost will be, as well as the recovery time and even the procedure. When you go to your first appointment, talk to the doctor about all the options you have to carry it out.

First, we will talk about the immediate physical effects that you will have almost immediately after breast augmentation surgery. You will be able to notice the size of your breasts from the first day and not only because of the inflammation, which is completely normal. If you take proper care, you will have nothing but discomfort for a couple of weeks before seeing results.

Pain is something you can expect after breast augmentation surgery; For this reason, the plastic surgeon will prescribe pain relievers so that you do not have problems in the next few days. As long as you take the care indicated by the doctor and thus you will avoid suffering a rupture or damage to the implant.

The care that we will provide you at CHR before, during and after your breast augmentation surgery will be complete and personalized. Each patient is different, so you will have nothing to worry about, especially so that your body adapts perfectly to the implants. Any complication will be indicated by the surgeon immediately to prevent or correct it.

Before and after the Breast Augmentation Surgery

Another important point that you should know about breast augmentation surgery is the preparation for the procedure and the aftercare that you must have. Precisely, we will talk about it in the next section and take it into consideration if you want to carry out this operation.

There really aren’t many precautions you should take before your breast augmentation surgery, with the exception of arriving on an empty stomach to have problems during the operation. We can carry out the analyzes in our clinic without problems to ensure that you are in full health and thus there are no major complications.

After the breast augmentation surgery you will be able to go home, unless the doctor has another indication; in that case it will be the surgeon who tells you. Once at home, you will notice the bruises from the operation, which are completely normal and will disappear in a few days. As for the pain, analgesics will serve you perfectly to control it.

Avoid intense physical activities for the next few days so that the incisions do not open or stretch and can get complicated. You may lose a little sensation for a few days, but within a couple of days after your breast augmentation surgery everything will be back to normal; so don’t panic if you have very little feeling in your chest.

It is important that you take care of the wound from the cut made for the placement of the implants during breast augmentation surgery. This to prevent it from becoming infected and being counterproductive for you; The surgeon will tell you how to do it and what type of soap you can use that does not irritate or affect you.

In the event of any complication after your breast augmentation surgery, such as a high temperature or completely intolerable pain, it is extremely important that you see a doctor immediately. You can contact us or visit the GP who has previously treated you.

Woman in wedding dress showing part of a breast.

Get the best Breast Augmentation Surgery with CHR

Cancun Hair Restoration is the plastic surgery clinic specialized in different aesthetic treatments such as breast augmentation surgery or hair transplant. The experience of all our medical staff and our first-class facilities make us the best option if you are looking for an operation abroad that is more economical.

To get an appointment at the best place in Mexico to perform breast augmentation surgery, which is Cancun Hair Restoration, the first thing you have to do is send us a message from our contact page. We will answer all the questions you have about the operation and you can even schedule an appointment for your next visit to the Mexican Caribbean.

Decide to finally change your appearance with breast augmentation surgery that completely changes your appearance. Approach the expert plastic surgeons of Cancun Hair Restoration who will provide you with quality care from the moment you contact us; don’t wait any longer and make an appointment today.

Plastic Surgery in Mexico: make an appointment now!

Woman modeling her figure with a wider contour

There are many myths about plastic surgery in Mexico and most of them are completely false. Most of them are related to the safety of your health, as they ensure that there is no equipment, trained doctors or facilities to carry out operations of this type; however, this is totally false.

Although, in past years, the rumor was spread that there were many clinics where they performed plastic surgeries in Mexico of low quality and risky, today this could not be further from the truth. Year after year, more people have decided to come from other countries to undergo an aesthetic procedure, especially to beaches like Cancun.

A clear example is CHR, a clinic that has top-level equipment to perform various plastic surgeries in Mexico. At this clinic, you can have the aesthetic procedure you wanted safely and without spending as much money as in the United States. In addition, you can enjoy a vacation in the paradise that is the Mexican Caribbean.

Without a doubt, plastic surgeries in Mexico are much more accessible than in many other countries, not only in the United States. For this reason, medical tourism to our country is one of the largest in the world and continues to grow. If you are considering an operation of this type in our country, here you can learn a little better how to get the best possible place.

Plastic Surgery in Mexico

Since 2019, Mexico has become the second place in the world with the most visits for plastic surgery, only surpassed by Thailand. Very low prices compared to other countries, experienced and trained surgeons, and high-quality facilities so that the procedure can be carried out in the best possible way are some of the reasons for this.

The majority of tourists seeking plastic surgery in Mexico are from the United States and Canada, mainly because they are looking for a more affordable option than those in their countries. However, at CHR, we have received patients from European countries such as the United Kingdom because they see us as the best option in Mexico and to take advantage of their vacations in a beautiful place.

Throughout the country there are many options; Plastic surgery in Mexico is cheap from Tijuana to Cancun. However, not all clinics have the same attention that we will offer you at Cancun Hair Restoration. Therefore, it is vital that when looking for the ideal place for your operation, you take different points into consideration.

Next, we will give you a guide that will be very useful for you to find the ideal place to schedule an appointment right now and have your plastic surgery in Mexico. In addition, we will tell you what makes CHR the ideal place to get that breast augmentation or hair transplant you wanted to completely change your appearance.

Get the best Plastic Surgery in Mexico

So that you can get the best option for plastic surgery in Mexico, we will give you a few keys. First about the procedure you want to have, then about the medical staff who would be in charge of carrying it out and, finally, about the clinic you should go to. It is important that you review all this information and make a good decision.

Doctors working in a plastic surgery in Mexico

To check everything that we will tell you in this blog about plastic surgery in Mexico, you can consult it directly from its website or on its social networks. Do not be afraid to ask all the questions you have and to request as much information as you think necessary and thus feel 100 percent sure that the place you arrive at is the right one.

Although plastic surgery in Mexico are completely safe, it is always good to be cautious with the place where you will have it done. In many places that do not have adequate space or trained staff, they will offer you exaggeratedly low prices, but you will not have a guarantee that they will take care of your health.

For this reason, the first piece of advice that we will give you, before telling you each detail in a particular way, is that you do not let yourself be guided by the price of plastic surgery in Mexico. You may be saving a few dollars, but you will be putting your life and well-being at risk. First take into account that your doctor is a trained and experienced specialist, as well as the following points.

Know the Plastic Surgery in Mexico procedure for you

To properly choose which procedure of plastic surgery in Mexico you will undergo, it is not enough that you know that you want to operate; In addition, you must know in detail the details of it, both the good and the bad. In this way, you will be completely sure that it is what you want to do.

  • The first thing you should take into account regarding the procedure you want to perform is the expectations you have for it. Consider that a radical change can be more expensive, so talk to him and show you the results you will get with your operation.
  • Also, it is important that you know the side effects that you could experience after your plastic surgery in Mexico. These range from bruises, which are very common, to more serious problems that can be caused by your health or various factors.
  • As a third point to consider for plastic surgery in Mexico, you have to consider if you are a candidate to perform the operation you want. If you are not in the best of health or if you suffer from any disease that could be risky for you to perform any aesthetic procedure, perhaps you should not do it.

Pick the best surgeon for your Plastic Surgery in Mexico

The next step is to make sure that the doctor who will perform your plastic surgery in Mexico is the right one to carry out your operation. To earn more money, many doctors decide to do low-cost operations; however, they do not have the preparation, so you must make sure that it is someone you fully trust; To do this, consider:

  • First check that he has training in plastic surgery and that he is not just a general practitioner who has not completed his specialization studies. Also, check that he has extensive experience in plastic surgery in Mexico, so that you are sure that he knows exactly what he is doing.
  • Both the clinic and the health personnel who work where you will have your plastic surgery in Mexico must have the appropriate certification from the local and national health authorities. If the clinic hasn’t been properly searched, it’s best to move away immediately.
  • In addition, if they have the support of health institutions, it is a plus that will indicate that they are completely safe. Also, if they are endorsed by societies of plastic surgeons in Mexico, the United States or any other major country, you will know that they are completely trustworthy.

The right clinic for Plastic Surgery in Mexico

As for the clinic where you will have your plastic surgery in Mexico, the first thing you should consider is communication. Make sure they speak English properly so you can ask any questions you have about the operation or the establishment. Communication is vital, so take it into account, as well as the following points:

  • Check that they follow the appropriate health protocols, from taking tests to preventing the spread of COVID-19. As long as everything is in order, you will know that you are in a safe place; so when you go to schedule your appointment, ask how the process is so that you are aware of everything from the first moment.
  • Finally, make sure that the plastic surgery clinic in Mexico has adequate operating and recovery spaces. Also that they have the necessary material to carry out your operation in the safest way possible. The better your work team is, the greater your security.

CHR: the best clinic for Plastic Surgery in Mexico

From the different plastic surgery procedures in Mexico to our first class facilities, CHR is your best option to have an aesthetic procedure in our country. We will provide you with a quality service from the first moment you contact us from our page until you leave our clinic completely renewed.

We specialize in hair transplantation and restoration, but we have extensive experience in different types of plastic surgery in Mexico such as:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Liposculpture
  • Vaginoplasty
  • Abdominoplasty
  • HD Lipo
  • face lift

The results that we have obtained in all the aesthetic procedures that we have performed have been completely successful. All the patients who have come to our plastic surgery clinic in Mexico have been 100 percent satisfied.

In addition to what our patients have said about our plastic surgery services in Mexico, we have the full support of national institutions such as the Mexican Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; as well as international, such is the case of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Doctor outlining a breast for plastic surgery in Mexico

Once you have taken all this into account, you will see that your best option for plastic surgery in Mexico is Cancun Hair Restoration. We not only have the support of international medical organizations, but also that of all our patients. You can request an appointment from our contact page or ask any questions you may have.

Facial Plastic Surgery that will help rejuvenate your face

Doctor preparing a patient for facial plastic surgery

It may not be one of the most common procedures, but facial plastic surgery is still one of the most sought after by many at Cancun Hair Restoration. Whether only a part of the face is modified or a complete change is made, the purpose of this type of intervention is to help the patient improve their appearance and even rejuvenate them.

When we talk about facial plastic surgery, it can refer to a series of procedures to rebuild or repair certain parts of the face such as the nose, ears, cheekbones or chin. Although it generally consists of aesthetic procedures, they are also used to repair affected parts in accidents, injuries or due to different similar factors.

Facial Plastic Surgery: Know the most important about it

As a definition, we can say that facial plastic surgery is an aesthetic procedure whose main objective is to correct or improve aspects of the face. Whether the patient has some congenital or acquired abnormality that affects his life; the doctors are in charge of repairing and making sure that everything fulfills its function.

For the performance of facial plastic surgery, there are different specialists who have to enter into function so that it has the best possible results. Otolaryngologists, dermatologists and anesthesiologists, not only plastic surgeons, as there are many points to take care of so that the change is noticeable and for the best.

As we mentioned at the beginning, there are different procedures that can be referred to as facial surgery; most of these are ambulatory and very minimally invasive and do not require much work. However, the most used are the ones that should be the most careful and that may have a higher degree of risk, but you have nothing to worry about.

Woman with dotted lines for facial plastic surgery

Taking the above into account, we can divide facial plastic surgery into two different types that it is very important for you to know. Remember that any plastic surgery must be performed by a plastic surgeon who has specialized in this branch of medicine. In this way, you will ensure that your procedure is carried out successfully.

The two types of facial plastic surgery that we mention are:

  • The first type of facial plastic surgery is related to reconstructive procedures. This seeks to correct congenital malformations, tumors, scars or any other mark that an accident you have suffered has left on your face.
  • The second type of facial plastic surgery is completely cosmetic and is the most sought after at Cancun Hair Restoration. If you want to fix your nose, cheekbones or any part of your face, this is the type of procedure you have been looking for.

It is important that you take this into account if you are going to have facial plastic surgery and that you know each procedure . Therefore, in the next section we will tell you which of them will help you rejuvenate your face and give it a complete change. Remember that, if you have more questions about any operation, you can send us a message and we will answer you.

Facial Plastic Surgery procedures

As we mentioned, facial plastic surgery consists of different procedures that you can perform. Of these, the most sought after in our plastic surgery clinic are those with more aesthetic than reconstructive purposes. Precisely, they are the following procedures that we will talk about because they are the ones in which we have the most experience.

  • Rhinoplasty

This is the most common facial surgery operation in any clinic and the one we perform the most at Cancun Hair Restoration. This consists of the change of shape, proportions and size of the nose; Generally, the aim is to make it a little more pointed or to change the angle that it has naturally, according to the upper lip.

To do this facial plastic surgery, the bone of the area where the nose is, the cartilage that gives it shape and the amount of skin that covers it are modified. Therefore, in an operation like these, different medical specialists participate in addition to plastic surgeons, such as dermatologists, so that the results are what you expect from the operation.

This operation is also performed to solve respiratory problems in the patient or in cases of trauma in which the person suffered an accident and his nose requires repair. The reason why you need this facial plastic surgery may be unrelated to aesthetics, but with us you will find the expert doctors best prepared to perform it successfully.

  • Face lift

This facial plastic surgery is completely aesthetic and is the one that will help you completely rejuvenate your face. The main objective of this procedure is to perform a stretching that reduces flaccidity in all the folds that are generated with age in the skin of the face and that completely reveal the advance of time.

Upon recovery from your face lift facial surgery, you will have a completely new look, with a fresher, more youthful air than you did before entering the operating room. Your change will be very noticeable, especially in the eyes and neck where the folds of the skin that hang with age can be seen.

The medical team in charge of facial surgeries at CHR has extensive experience in aesthetic procedures such as these and will leave your face looking natural. In the country, there are no plastic surgeons with the extensive training that those who collaborate in our clinic and who can offer you a service like ours.

  • Fillers

More than being a facial plastic surgery, fillers are a treatment that aims to improve the appearance of facial skin, but that requires the intervention of a trained specialist. It is important that you do not go to any clinic, because you can take risks, so make sure you go with an expert team like Cancun Hair Restoration.

This aesthetic procedure is used to eliminate flaccidity and some wrinkles caused by the passage of time; just not drastically like a facial plastic surgery like a facelift would be. They are made with a special material that is bio -compatible and that helps to give volume to the face and fill in wrinkles.

It is a minimally invasive technique that does not require much aftercare. If you want to say goodbye to the wrinkles that bother you so much from one day to the next and that do not disappear with a facial cream, with this treatment you will achieve it. After a couple of sessions with us, your skin will look and feel decades younger.

Other Plastic Surgery Procedures

  • Blepharoplasty: Known as eyelid surgery; this can be lower or higher, depending on which paragraph you are looking to fix. This facial plastic surgery is performed mainly to eliminate bags under the eyes or to clear vision by removing sagging and aging skin.
  • Otoplasty: This is a relatively simple facial plastic surgery that is performed on the ears in order to make them have a more aesthetic appearance. Mainly, it is sought that they are not too large or that the cartilage has a better shape and structure. It is very simple and one of the fastest of all.
  • Cheek Augmentation: In recent years, this has become one of the most requested facial plastic surgeries at CHR and many other plastic surgery clinics. This procedure seeks to create fine faces and sunken features; In this way, aesthetic and satisfactory results are achieved with implants imperceptible to sight or touch.
  • Chin augmentation or mentoplasty: As in previous facial plastic surgery procedures, this one seeks a more aesthetic appearance and facial aesthetic balance. It is a simple chin implant placement operation to eliminate the appearance of a face that is too thin, both in men and women.

There are more procedures to improve the appearance of your skin or your features; however, these are not as drastic or permanent as facial plastic surgery. Some of these are Botox injections, PRP or stem cell treatments; If you want to perform any of these, you can write to us and know all the details about it.

Facial Plastic Surgery with Cancun Hair Restoration

If you are considering facial plastic surgery, the first thing you need to do is talk to your plastic surgeon . With the doctor you will be able to analyze the objectives, the alternatives you have and the possible risks that you could face in the operation. However, they are all safe procedures with great benefits, which the surgeon will let you know.

Doctor injecting a patient for facial plastic surgery

Once you and your CHR surgeon have decided on a course of treatment, your facial plastic surgery will be scheduled. Surgery can be performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis, depending on your situation and the operation you require. The Cancun Hair Restoration team will provide you with follow-up care.

Do not wait any longer and schedule your appointment now with a Cancun Hair specialist doctor and he will tell you everything you need about facial plastic surgery with us to make you look and feel younger. We offer you the best service and you can enjoy a paradise like Cancun before your operation.


ilustración de un folículo pilar débil y uno fuerte elegido para la restauración capilar artas


Currently, in addition to the traditional hair transplant, you can also get an ARTAS hair restoration, with the aim of solving the problem of baldness present in more people than we think around the world. However, you may be wondering, how many of these offer truly effective, natural-looking results without the need for unpleasant side effects?

Hair loss due to baldness, especially in men, does not have to be irreversible. In fact, it is not, with the latest technology in ARTAS hair restoration you can receive a robotic hair transplant and recover the lost hair in the area of the head that needs it.

One of the most trusted resolutions that many people turn to is ARTAS hair restoration, which is the most advanced hair restoration procedure in the scalp regrowth industry. This technology consists of a robot assisted by a specialist surgeon for the ARTAS hair restoration intervention. It offers natural, permanent and clinically proven results.

Best of all, with this hair transplant technique, the scar resulting from the procedure is insignificant and new hair gradually grows over it. It is very unlikely that people will find out that you have undergone an ARTAS hair restoration procedure. In any case, the only thing they will notice is that you look much better.


If your hair thins in the area of the forehead or falls out around the crown forming the famous “receding hairline”, it is possible that you enter the statistics of the more than one billion men who suffer from premature baldness. Also known as male pattern baldness, this condition occurs when hair becomes sensitive to DHT, which is a natural hormone that helps the body grow.

There are hair follicles that are resistant to DHT and are usually found on the sides of the head and at the back of the head (at the nape of the neck), on the other hand, the rest of the hair thins and becomes weak with the passing of the years.

Fortunately, the hair that did resist DHT is the answer to the million-dollar question of many men; How can I get back the amount of hair I had before?


Of all the procedures and treatments that currently exist for the treatment and restoration of hair, the ARTAS hair restoration technique is perhaps the most advanced and the one that offers the best possible results. The technology with which this robotic arm is made allows the procedure to be extremely precise and simple.

hombre viejo sonriente sosteniendo una peluca sobre su cabeza antes de someterse a la restauración capilar artas

Hair transplant carried out with the FUE or FUT techniques offer excellent results to 96 percent of the people who undergo them. However, there is a small margin of possibility that in the end you will not get the results you expect.

In such cases, ARTAS hair restoration allows for better preservation and transplantation of the hair follicles. More exact cuts and obtaining the best hair follicles thanks to its artificial intelligence that can identify them perfectly.

Other non-surgical hair restoration procedures may not give you the result you expect; especially if your baldness problem is very advanced. With ARTAS hair restoration, the end result you see will be permanent and you will never have to worry about your hair falling out again.


Before talking you about how ARTAS hair restoration works and is carried out, it’s important to point out that it is not necessary to shave your entire head for the procedure. The doctor will be in charge of only cutting the necessary areas to be able to extract the hair follicles in the best possible way without damaging it.

The ARTAS Hair Restoration System is applied using digital imaging with the help of a precision robot and an intelligent algorithm that is tasked with tracing the dissection and grafting of healthy follicles. This robotic arm can only be managing by an expert plastic surgeon in order to get the best results.

The amazing thing about the ARTAS hair restoration procedure is that the artificial intelligence that manage the algorithm can calculate the exact angle and position to obtain and transplant every hair follicle. Thanks to this you can achieve a more natural appearance and non a single visible mark once it heals; no one will notice you got this procedure.

ARTAS hair restoration is a minimally invasive and very precise process, there is no need to remove tissue surgery of any area of the head . The patient will not experience any visible scarring on the scalp and there is no need for sutures or staples with this type of hair transplant technique.

The ARTAS hair restoration procedure generally has a duration range from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the amount of hair to be transplanted. Thanks to the technology used, it is much faster than a manual hair transplant, which can last up to 12 hours with more than one session.

On the day the transplant surgical process is scheduled, the patient will sit in a comfortable chair connected to the ARTAS hair restoration system . The hair will be cut to 1 mm long, this is so that the robot uses its artificial intelligence algorithms and identifies healthy hair faster and better to use as grafts.

The ARTAS Hair Restoration System is powered by high-definition stereoscopic vision technology that monitors, tracks, and analyzes each individual hair at a rate of sixty times per second. The ARTAS robot creates digital mapping that offers superior graft dissection and a minimally invasive harvesting process with the goal of preserving the natural appearance of your donor area.

ARTAS hair restoration is also considered an outpatient procedure as it requires only local anesthesia and the patient will be able to walk on their own shortly after the treatment is complete. During the procedure, you will feel virtually no pain and once it’s over, in case you feel some discomfort, you will only need to take some painkillers during the next few days.

Although you are likely to experience some discomfort and swelling after ARTAS hair restoration, these symptoms should subside within 1-3 days. Also, because there is no need to worry about the stitches scarring (as they are simply not there), recovery time is much quicker than with manual hair transplant procedures.


Because the ARTAS hair restoration procedure is minimally invasive and requires no surgical incisions or stitches, recovery time is extremely fast. Patients report that they can usually resume normal activities within 1 to 2 days.

hombre con poco cabello que se someterá a la restauración capilar artas

However, it will not be possible for you to see the results until almost 12 months after the hair transplant. This is because the follicles transplanted with the ARTAS hair restoration technique must adapt to the new area of your scalp.

During the first months after the surgery, you will notice that your hair will begin to grow, but soon after it will fall out because it is very thin. This doesn’t mean that your ARTAS hair restoration procedure hasn’t worked, but rather that the follicles are adapting to the new area of the head and are gradually becoming stronger.

The small cuts made during the procedure will close after a couple of weeks and in just over a month you will be able to continue with your life as normal without the need for any special care. While your wounds heal, we recommend not wearing hats, not exposing yourself to the sun for a long time and taking the medications indicated by the doctor.

Recovery from a procedure like ARTAS hair restoration is not painful, but it can be annoying to some degree. When you get to feel some degree of discomfort, you just have to take a pain reliever and in minutes you will feel better. Once everything is settled and your hair grows normally, the results you’ll see will be permanent.


Cancun Hair Restoration is a hair transplant company that was founded in 2016 in Cancun, Mexico. Our ARTAS Hair Restoration and Surgery specialists have over 17 years of experience in this area, working with some of the best companies in the US and UK.

At Cancun Hair Restoration we offer hair transplant surgeries with the best and most advanced techniques such as FUT, FUE and scalp micropigmentation. We also perform facial hair transplants for any male patient desiring a full beard and eyebrow hair transplant for women seeking fuller, thicker eyebrows.

Do not hesitate and recover the hair of your youth with Cancun Hair Restorationschedule your ARTAS Hair Restoration now from our website. We offer you the highest quality care in first class facilities with technology that not everyone has. In addition, you will be surrounded by a paradise like the Riviera Maya.

Cirugía Plástica en México: encuentra la clínica ideal

Mujer revisando su piel en el espejo después de su cirugia plastica en mexico

En los últimos años, la visita de turistas al país ha aumentado gracias a la buena reputación que tiene la cirugía plástica en México. Los turistas pueden encontrar en México una clínica de cirugía plástica con médicos certificados que ofrecen hospitalidad y altos estándares de servicio.

¿Sabías que México tiene el tercer lugar a nivel mundial que realiza el mayor número de cirugías estéticas?

La mayor prioridad de las clínicas de cirugía plástica en México es ofrecer la mayor confianza y seguridad a todos sus pacientes. Por lo que, si estás pensando viajar para someterte a una cirugía plástica, es importante averiguar y encontrar el mejor lugar para hacerlo.

Elegir a una clínica para realizarte en otro país una cirugía plástica capilar, cirugia plastica de senos o de cualquier otro tipo, necesita de una meticulosa planificación y una toma de decisiones consciente. Cualquier procedimiento estético requiere que sea realizado por un cirujano plástico con experiencia y altamente capacitado.

¿Cómo encontrar la mejor especialista de cirugía plástica en México?

Encontrar una clínica de cirugía plástica en México adecuada es la clave cuando se busca someterse a una cirugía estética o plástica. En primer lugar, se deben considerar siempre las certificaciones del cirujano ya que deberían haber recibido una capacitación más rigurosa para ofrecer procedimientos de cirugía estética.

Lo ideal es buscar un especialista en cirugía plástica en México con experiencia, cuantos más años de experiencia, mejor. Uno de los mejores consejos es hablar y preguntar directamente con amigos, personas conocidas o incluso pacientes que hayan estado en la clínica de cirugía estética que te interesa.

A continuación, ofrecemos algunos otros factores importantes a la hora de elegir al mejor especialista de cirugía plástica en México:

Consultas humanas e integrales a los pacientes

Los especialistas en cirugía plástica en México deben ofrecer siempre consultas que sean humanas y atendiendo todas las necesidades y dudas del paciente al respecto, hablarles con respeto, sin prejuicios y mostrar empatía.

Los cirujanos de cirugia plastica en mexico que interactúan entre sí en la sala de operación

Asimismo, por supuesto que en la consulta el cirujano deberá tener en cuenta la anatomía y los objetivos del paciente. Los interesados necesitan a un cirujano que se tome el tiempo para escuchar su opinión de tratamiento y que pueda hablar honestamente sobre expectativas realistas para que, en conjunto, anticipen y planifiquen el proceso de recuperación.

Experiencia comprobada y resultados

Claro está que quienes practiquen la cirugía plástica en México deben tener experiencia significativa y ser capaces de explicar los procedimientos y enseñarlos a los pacientes los posibles resultados reales. Muchos cirujanos de cirugía plástica en México toman evidencia con base en el “antes y después” de sus intervenciones. Pregunta sobre ello.

Cumplimiento estricto de las normas de seguridad

Un buen cirujano de cirugía plástica en México también debe cumplir con estrictos y rigurosos estándares de seguridad para el paciente. Asimismo, la clínica o el consultorio donde se realizará el procedimiento, por lo que visitar el lugar y preguntar por sus protocolos es buena idea.

Credenciales de certificación de la junta

El paciente interesado podría buscar a los cirujanos de cirugía plástica en México de tal clínica que tengan certificación de la junta. De esta manera podrás comprobar que es un médico cirujano graduado y acreditado para ejercer.

La clinica de cirugia plastica debe estar acreditada por el gobierno

En relación con el punto anterior, los cirujanos que realizan cualquier cirugía plástica en México en centros acreditados o autorizados por el gobierno se deberán de aseguran de cumplir con los más altos estándares de seguridad para el paciente. Estas instalaciones se inspeccionan regularmente para garantizar que se mantengan excepcionalmente para los procedimientos quirúrgicos.

Reseñas y opiniones de pacientes anteriores

Preguntar sobre las experiencias a otros pacientes podría ampliar aún más el panorama. Antes de cerrar el trato para tu cirugía plástica en México, podría ser interesante saber lo que les gustó o no a otros sobre su enfoque y atención al paciente. Los cirujanos plásticos confiables tendrán calificaciones altas, recientes, consistentes y buenas críticas de sus pacientes.

Tratamientos personalizados y a medida

Cuando el especialista en la cirugía plástica en México y el paciente se reúnen pueden dar paso a una plática honesta y abierta sobre los objetivos y la situación única y específica del paciente. En este punto, el cirujano plástico ya habría elaborado un plan de tratamiento personalizado y único para el paciente en específico.

El especialista en cirugía plástica en México deberá personalizar tu tratamiento puede ofrecerte la mejor oportunidad de alcanzar tus objetivos estéticos.

Una relación personal con los pacientes

La realidad es que no en todas las circunstancias es necesario conectarse a nivel personal especialista en cirugía plástica en México, pero puede hacer que toda la experiencia y el viaje sean mucho más abiertos y cómodos.

¿Dónde someterme a una cirugía plástica en México?

Cancun Hair Restoration es una empresa de trasplante de cabello que fue fundada en 2016 en Cancún, México. Nuestros especialistas en Cirugía Plástica en México y trasplante de cabello tienen más de 17 años de experiencia en esta área, trabajando con algunas de las mejores compañías en EE. UU. y el Reino Unido. 

Doctor examinando la cara de la mujer para su cirugia plastica en mexico

En Cancun Hair Restoration ofrecemos cirugías de trasplante de cabello con las mejores y más avanzadas técnicas como FUT, FUE y micropigmentación del cuero cabelludo. También realizamos trasplantes de vello facial para cualquier paciente masculino que desee un trasplante completo de vello de barba y cejas para mujeres que buscan cejas más pobladas y gruesas.


Nuestro equipo médico altamente calificado de especialistas en trasplante de cabello, cirujanos plásticos y anestesiólogos le dan la bienvenida a Cancun Hair Restoration.

Somos miembros de la Sociedad Americana de Cirujanos Plásticos y de la Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva.

Nuestros doctores de cirugía plástica en México y estéticos altamente calificados que se especializan en procedimientos de belleza como trasplante de cabello en México, liposucción, aumento de senos y mucho más.

ARTAS Mexico: what you must know about procedures and costs

Hombre calvo pensando en el tratamiento ARTAS México


Many people who are thinking of undergoing a hair implant treatment wonder which procedure to choose. There are two treatments that stand out, ARTAS Mexico, performed with a robotic arm for hair transplant and the follicle unit extraction or FUE; and both must be performed by a specialized surgeon.

People who suffer from hair loss, especially at a young age, are extremely interested in hair transplant procedures and it is very common for them to come across information about the ARTAS Mexico technique, but is it just advertising? Is this treatment really beneficial for the patient? Could a procedure that is performed by a robot be trusted?

To answer these questions and any other questions you may have regarding ARTAS or any other hair transplant technique that we do at our clinic in Mexico, in this blog post we will talk about the most important procedures. Advantages, disadvantages, costs and more important factors you will know here.



How does ARTAS Mexico work? The transplant specialist trims the patient’s hair and proceeds to mark the area where the graft will be removed and will also select the area of the head where it will be placed. The donor area for patients is usually located on the back and sides of the head or scalp.

Subsequently, local anesthesia will be applied in the area to be worked on. The patient will remain awake the entire time and in a sitting position in a very comfortable seat, usually with their head supported by a pillow to prevent movement during the application and to achieve the greatest comfort and stability.

A tensor is then placed over the extraction area to stabilize the skin so it is ready for when the hair graft is extracted. The ARTAS Mexico system uses several cameras that capture 3D images of the patient’s microscopic follicular units. In this way the hairs can be identified more easily.

The robotic arm will adjust based on the information processed from the 3D camera system. Once the identification of the individual follicular units is complete, they will be harvested individually with the robotic double punch system, optimizing the quality of the extracted hair follicles.


In the ARTAS hair implant system, the robot removes the follicles and grafts them into the selected area. The other procedures are performed in the same way as in the case of other hair transplant techniques, including FUE, which we will explain later. ARTAS Mexico is only the technology assisted by a surgeon.

Manos aplicando anestesia a hombre que se va a someter a tratamiento ARTS México

Today there are modern robotic hair transplant systems that offer patients some limitations. ARTAS technology in Mexico can only extract follicles in dark-haired patients with straight hair .

In the event that a man or woman is red-haired, blond or has gray hair, the algorithm of the ARTAS Mexico robot could not recognize their hair type, so they would be forced to choose another technique or dye it and apply a straightening treatment.



The FUE technique consists of extracting live hair follicles one by one using a circular micro scalpel, which minimizes the impact on the extraction area. Later they are grafted in the desired area. The FUE method requires shaving the donor area, usually the back of the head.

The first or preoperative steps are to perform medical tests on the patient and review their medical history. Once this is done, the intervention will proceed where the specialist surgeon will meet with the patient to give advice on the process and preoperative care.

In the same way as with the ARTAS Mexico procedure, the area to be worked on must be delineated. Subsequently, the extraction will proceed, when the area is anesthetized, the specialist surgeon will make the first cut in the scalp and extract the follicles one by one.

The implant of hair consists of introducing the grafts one by one, until finishing with the entire selected area. At the end, the surgeon offers recommendations for post-operative care and the patient will be able to leave the site on their own.

Among the best advantages of the FUE technique for hair transplantation, we can mention that it does not leave scars. It is also especially indicated for moderate-grade alopecia, the postoperative recovery time is shorter compared to others except of the ARTAS Mexico, in addition, it is also appropriate for eyebrows, mustaches or beards.

FUE is a manual application hair transplant treatment that many compare to a technique that resembles art. Specifically, it is a process that uses a single texture or single stroke that is not symmetrical and represents a creative endeavor.


According to the testimony of many people who have already undergone hair transplant treatments, they indicate that one of the main disadvantages is that the number of grafts that can be performed depends on the density and size of the donor area and, consequently, by In general, fewer grafts can be performed than with ARTAS Mexico.

In the same way, the grafts are also shown to be more susceptible to damage compared to the FUT strip and the quality of the graft corresponds to the skill and experience of the surgeon. Many people prefer the ARTAS Mexico procedure as they do not want to cut the hair on the back of their head for FUE.

Antes y después del implante de cabello con ARTAS México


Whether using the ARTAS Mexico or FUE technique, hair transplant surgical procedures require sophisticated skills and a lot of experience. On the one hand, we have the grafts installed on the scalp that are performed by a robot, on the other hand, the manual procedure that would take more time to perform, but with more finesse.

Although the expert hand of the plastic surgeons that collaborate at Cancun Hair Restoration is very capable of perfectly performing a hair transplant with the FUE technique, the ARTAS robot allows greater precision when extracting and repositioning the hair follicles. The results between both have been more satisfactory with this technique thanks to the operating system.

In addition, the marks are a little less visible when they are made with the ARTAS Mexico procedure and, although both have a completely natural appearance, since the cuts are not very visible, the result is better. However, there are different points beyond the results that it is important that you take into account, especially related to costs.

The hair transplant procedure that we carry out with ARTAS Mexico is very economical compared to clinics in Canada, the United States and Europe; but, if we compare them with that of the FUE hair transplant, this is higher. Therefore, you should carefully consider the budget that you will invest in a surgery like this.

Regarding the price that ARTAS Mexico has, it changes depending on the amount of hair follicles you require to obtain the results you expect. In most of the procedures that we have carried out in our clinic, between 2,500 and 3,000 follicles are required; however, only the doctor can say exactly how many will be needed.

If you require more detailed information regarding the costs of ARTAS Mexico or any of the other hair restoration procedures that we have, we recommend that you send us a message from our contact page. In this way, an expert will answer all the questions you have about it or about the procedure.

Although they are very similar to each other, they are different and the decision is yours. Regardless of which of the two procedures you choose to recover your hair, you will have excellent results with both if you go to our specialized clinic. If you have any doubts, on our website you will find some of the many success stories we have had.



Find the best ARTAS Mexico treatment abroad at Cancun Hair Restoration is a hair transplant company that was founded in 2016 in Cancun Mexico. At Cancun Hair Restoration we offer hair transplant surgeries with the best and most advanced techniques such as ARTAS in Mexico, FUT, FUE and scalp micropigmentation. Contact us!

ARTAS testimonial | Cacun Hair Restoration