Medications can cause hair loss?

Medications can cause hair loss

When he goes to the doctor and prescribes some treatment for a disease, he usually asks if he can eat or drink something specific. However, a basic question is always overlooked: medications can cause hair loss? This type of question is more common in people who already have a clavicle problem and are considering the best hair transplant in Mexico.

But, if this is the first time you ask, Cancun Hair Restoration brings you this interesting blog.

Myth or true?

The answer to this question is a great one: it depends on the medication. Alopecia is a condition that appears as a result of several factors and some types of medication are closely related. It is important to clarify that alopecia can affect any part of the body that is covered by hair. 

In case the alopecia appears as a consequence of the medication, the hair loss will depend on the duration of the treatment and the dose of it. But, if you detect an excessive fall, it is better to consult an expert. When the damage is severe enough, you may need to undergo a hair transplant once the treatment is complete.

What medications cause hair loss?

There are medications that are responsible for hair loss in some of the phases of the growth cycle: resting phase (telogen), growth phase (anagen) and catagen phase.

Telogen phase

In the case of the telogen phase, it is possible to find:

  • Beta blockers
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Contraceptive pills
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Fluoxetine (Prozac)
  • Sertraline (Zoloft)
  • Paroxetine (Paxil)
  • Antifungal medications
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Thyroid treatment
  • Anticoagulants
  • Those aimed at lowering cholesterol

Anagen phase

At this stage, the following medications stand out:

  • Boric acid
  • Chemotherapy
  • Arsenic
  • Colcrys

Medications in general

Other medications that can lead to hair loss are:

  • Acne medications containing vitamin A (retinoids)
  • Antidepressants
  • Immune-inhibiting drugs
  • Diuretics
  • Steroids
  • Parkinson’s medications
  • Antifungal drugs

Remember that if you notice any abnormality in the growth of your hair or discomfort in general from a treatment, you should discuss it with your doctor. Self-medication should never be an option.

Can this type of hair loss be reversed?

Most logical solution to stop hair loss is to stop taking the medication. But, before making this decision, it is important to discuss it with your doctor. With the help of your healthcare professional, you are likely to find an alternative solution or consider a future hair transplant.

Even if you stop taking the medication, hair loss is likely to stop up to 6 months later. Total growth of your hair can take up to 1 and a half years.

How to diagnose drug hair loss?

If you notice any of these symptoms, visit your doctor:

  • You see strands of hair on pillows.
  • When you brush your hair, a good amount comes off your head.
  • Notice strands of hair in the drain when you take a shower.

When you see your doctor, they will likely ask you about your general eating habits, if you have undergone any surgery, or if there is a family history of hair loss. All this will help you to make an accurate diagnosis to solve your problem.

To find the most optimal solution for you, contact us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get great hair again! We are waiting for you.

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Woman washing her hair with caffeinated shampoo

Who doesn’t like to have a delicious cup of coffee in the morning? Well, this popular drink has more properties than just being a hot drink. A caffeinated shampoo can help you to regenerate your hair, so if you’re experience some hair loss, this could be exactly what you need.

You are probably already considering hair restoration in Mexico. But, if your hair loss problem is moderate, you are probably wondering “does caffeinated shampoo work?” Find out below. Remember that this is for light cases, if you have a big problem with baldness, you’ll need a hair transplant.


Caffeine is a word that has its origins in «kaffee» (German) and «coffee» (French). It is the everyday name for the stimulant 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine. Its usual consumption is as an infusion and as a soft drink. Among its many properties is the stimulation of brain function and the central nervous system, that’s why there are products like the caffeinated shampoo.

Today, caffeine has become a key component of the shampoo generation. These claim to stimulate hair growth, making use of the incredible properties of coffee. If you find caffeinated shampoo in the store and want to recover some hair, buy it!


A study carried out on human hair follicles showed that, when in contact with caffeinated shampoo, cellular energy increased considerably. This is because it works against a protein, called «phosphodiesterase

Caffeinated shampoo also increased the presence of growth factor protein, which is similar to insulin 1. The importance of this signaling molecule lies in promoting hair growth. And last but not least, caffeine in your hair reverses the effects of dihydrotestosterone. This is the hormone that is most related to baldness.


The reality is that these caffeinated shampoos are quite safe. Some of the side effects that can occur include redness and a burning or itching sensation on the scalp. If the shampoo contains salicylic acid, the symptoms may get worse, so just be a really meticulous when you rinse your hair.

If you have a sensitive scalp, it’s best to do a small test with a skin patch. This will let you know if there are any adverse reactions to the caffeinated shampoo. You should also consider that if your hair is dry and brittle, it is not the best option for you, since caffeine tends to dry out the hair.

Some people may notice that their hair darkens after 2 or 3 weeks of using the caffeinated shampoo. For this reason, blond people should take extra caution when using them. But do not worry! Most of the aforementioned side effects are rare, so they are not likely to happen to you. Although, our recommendation is to contact your doctor before you make your choice.


If we speak theoretically, the caffeine contained in cosmetic products can be absorbed through the skin. This will result in an increase in blood pressure. But, through caffeinated shampoo, the amount that enters the body topically is minimal.

The time shampoo stays on your hair. It should stay on your head for 2-5 minutes, which is not prolonged contact. For this reason, this caffeinated shampoo is safe if you have high blood pressure.

Consult with your doctor before you start using caffeinated shampoo. To find the most optimal solution for hair loss, contact us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get great hair again with a hair transplant! We are waiting for you.

Vitamins for Hair Growth

Vitamins for Hair Growth

When you have hair loss and thinning, the first thing you want to find is the cause. But your priority should be to find a solution. Depending on your hair loss problem, you can plan a hair transplant abroad, or you can get vitamins for hair growth. Do they really work? Keep reading this article to know the answer.

Vitamins for hair growth: why to try it?

The consumption of vitamins is essential for people’s health. Its function is to preserve a good state of health. In other words: if your body receives enough vitamins and minerals, you will not get sick as often and, if you do, your immune system will respond optimally.

The problem is that, with today’s pace of life, people skip breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This, in the short term, will affect the health of your skin, hair, nails and more. A poor diet is the cause of hair loss and, if this is the cause of your hair loss, it is time to put a solution!

For starters, avoid junk food and go for green vegetables and fresh fruits. You can find simple recipes on the internet!

Vitamins for hair growth: how it works?

There are vitamins and minerals that are auxiliary to achieve healthy hair growth. These should be considered as supplements: nothing replaces a balanced diet. And, in some cases, hair loss can only be solved with hair transplantation, so we recommend consulting your doctor before taking any supplements.

Some of the vitamins that your body needs to stop hair loss are:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps the glands in the skin make a substance called sebum. This hydrates the scalp and allows the hair to remain healthy. Diets deficient in this vitamin cause several problems, including hair loss.

Sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and spinach are a source of beta-carotene. This, in turn, is converted into vitamin A. You can also find it in animal products, such as milk, eggs and yogurt, as well as cod liver oil.

However, it is also important to consider that an overdose of vitamin A contributes to hair loss. It is better to keep a balance.

Vitamin C

When free radicals are damaged, they can block hair growth, causing it to age. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which protects your body from oxidative stress as a result of free radicals.

In addition, with vitamin C, your body creates a protein, collagen, which is an essential part of the hair structure. And, as if that were not enough, this vitamin helps in the absorption of iron. This mineral is necessary for healthy hair growth.

Some of the most common sources of vitamin C are strawberries, guavas, citrus fruits, and guavas.

Vitamins B

When you go to the doctor with a moderate hair loss problem, she will most likely prescribe a supplement of B vitamins. Also known as biotin, it is an aid in the creation of red blood cells.

Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen to all parts of the body, including the scalp and hair follicles.

Vitamin B is found in foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fish, shellfish, and dark green vegetables. But, in addition to food, you can find vitamin B12 supplements, which are very useful for people with vegetarian and vegan diets.

Remember that you should not self-medicate. Consult with your doctor before making a decision about the treatment that is best for you. To find the most optimal solution for you, contact us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get great hair again! We are waiting for you.

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