Doctor applying anesthesia for a hair transplant

At Cancun Hair Restoration, we make sure that none of the hair grafting procedures we perform are painful; Therefore, we are one of the best clinics of hair transplant in Mexico today. So, no matter which one you decide to have, you won’t feel anything during the surgery.

However, the pain threshold in each person is different and some of our clients have revealed to us that, throughout the surgery, they came to feel a slight pull or pressure where the hair application is made. These discomforts were very mild and are completely tolerable, no matter how sensitive you are to pain.

Although, during the surgery there may not be more than a few discomforts, once the anesthesia we place on you passes, they may begin to increase, or it could even hurt. Days after hair transplant in Mexico surgery you will feel them, but if you have the proper care, they will not last long. Therefore, here we will tell you how you can take care of your scalp after the operation, so that you do not have a lot of pain. In addition, we will tell you a little about the procedure that the anesthesiologist follows during the intervention.


So that, throughout the hair transplant operation, you do not feel even the slightest pain, the specialist doctor will use a local anesthesia, very similar to that used by dentists in dental treatment. In addition, they use sedation to relax and endure the long surgery.

The greatest discomfort that you will have throughout the surgery will be from the application of local anesthesia that is done on the scalp. Once it has taken effect, you will not have pain throughout the surgery. Along with the use of some pain relievers, he uses antibiotics so that the part of the head that is treated does not become infected during surgery.

How long can a Hair Transplant surgery in Mexico last?

Depending on the treatment you decide to undergo, the duration of the intervention will be; in regular cases it will take between 3 or 4 hours, but in cases of people with alopecia or a similar disease it will last up to 12 hours. During all this time, while you are under the effects of anesthesia, you will not feel more than a slight tug from time to time.

Doctor applying anesthesia to a patient for a hair transplant

In any hair transplant clinic in Mexico, the duration of this surgery is similar; in some, you may need up to two sessions or more sessions to complete. Depending on how many hair follicles are going to be transplanted is the duration of the surgery; even, the patient can decide if it is done in different sessions.

At Hair Cancun Restoration, we perform the hair graft quickly so that you feel the discomfort for the shortest possible time; Our plastic surgeons have extensive experience in this area and will be able to tell you which is the best way forward.

What care to take to avoid pain?

Hair transplantation in Mexico is an outpatient operation and in a matter of hours you will be recovering in the comfort of your home. The risks are minimal, and it is a surgery that does not cause more than a few discomforts.

At the end of the intervention, the doctor will prescribe certain pain relievers and anti-inflammatories that will help make recovery more bearable. You should take them in the way you are instructed, because if you don’t, the pain will be unbearable, and the treated area could be severely affected.

It is important that you take good care of the area where the hair graft was performed and that you resume your daily activities with great care. Avoid doing intense physical activity that causes intense sweating on the head or exposing yourself for hours to the sun, as this will affect the healing process.

If you do not act with caution and if you do not take the medications in the time indicated by the surgeon, the pain will increase. However, there have been cases of patients with less tolerance to pain, which can become severe despite taking analgesics; In these cases, it is best to contact us immediately.

The hair transplant in Mexico is completely painless and, with proper care after the operation, the inconvenience will be minimal. Now that you have decided to undergo hair transplant surgery, consider doing it in a clinic that has doctors specializing in plastic surgery and anesthesiology. With them, you will be in the best hands, because you will have incredible results without the slightest pain. If you have any questions about the hair transplant procedure in Mexico, you can visit us at our branches of Cancun or in Mexico City. Also, you can contact us from our website or by calling : 55-5466-1144 . If you wish, write us an at: [email protected].

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Which is the Best Hair Transplant technique in Mexico

hair transplant in mexico

In almost all the clinics where they graft hair, they resort to two restoration techniques which are the FUSS and the FUE. These are considered the best hair transplant techniques in Mexico. Both have their advantages and after your procedure you will begin to notice a small difference, until you recover all the hair that you have lost.

At Cancun Hair Restoration, we know both procedures perfectly and that is why we will tell you about each of them. In addition, we will give you some points that you should take into consideration when you decide to submit to one of them.

The Best Hair Transplant Technique

Before explaining what these two great hair transplant techniques consist of, we will tell you that, in both, an expert plastic surgeon will be in charge of performing the operation. In Cancun Hair Restoration, we have all the safety measures in health and care of our patients, so you will be safe at all times.

FUE Hair Transplant

The FUE technique of hair transplantation is one of the most used today to recover hair in Mexico. The long-term results are the best because the follicular units are transplanted one by one. We take these from some part of your head from where it is more suitable to remove them to put them where you must need it.

To determine exactly where the doctors will take the follicular units from, they will perform a study on your hindhead to determine which part will be better to take them. The place chosen must have uniformity in the appearance of the hair and its follicular units must be in good health.

With the analysis completed, the surgeon will begin to extract every one of the hair follicles with small incisions. To make this completely painless for you, we use local anesthesia, so you will not feel anything during the operation. This is a job that only an expert doctor can do, because if the cuts are not made in the best way, the follicular units can be damaged.

What is good about the FUE technique of hair grafting?

First of all, the previously described procedure is non-invasive and will not leave a single scar on your scalp. For this reason and its incredible long-term results, it is considered the best hair transplant method in Mexico.

This means that, after the intervention, you will be able to carry out your normal activities without problems and, in no more than 15 days, you will no longer feel the irritation of the surgery, neither where the follicles were removed, nor where they were grafted.

Although generally, hair is taken from the nape area, the previous studies that we carry out allow us to determine if there is a better place to take the hair follicles. Therefore, it is not only a good option for transplanting hair from the head, but also from other parts of the body such as the chest or shoulders.

If one of your concerns is how permanent this procedure is, we can tell you that your hair will no longer fall out. Genetically, that transplanted hair will not stop growing, regardless of whether it is in a new area of your head. It is a surgery that men and women can go under procedure without problems.

FUT Hair Transplant

In the FUT transplant technique, also known as FUSS or strip, the doctor removes an entire band of skin from the back of the head. Once this strip is removed, the hair follicles are selected to be grafted one by one in the area where you have significant hair loss.

Approximately, the strip of hair that is removed from the nape of the patient is 1.00 centimeters wide by 20.00 centimeters long. This leaves a very unremarkable scar on this part of the head that will be hidden by the remaining hair.

Unlike the FUE technique, with FUT, the amount of hair that we can transplant will depend on how much the donor has on the nape of the neck. However, enough can be achieved even if the patient does not have a very high hair density.

To perform this procedure, at Cancun Hair Restoration, we apply a local anesthetic to the patient with a little sedation. A surgery like this takes between 8 and 12 hours, depending on the number of follicles to be transplanted. To keep the hair follicles as cared for as possible, we will keep them hydrated and kept cold.

A few days after the operation, some of your hair will fall out; this is completely normal as they are adjusting to the new area. However, these will grow back in about three months.

You will notice the change six months after the operation when most of the hair has come out. You will see the final result of the operation 10 or 12 months after surgery, when your hair has grown and fully adapted.

What is good about the FUT technique of hair grafting?

The main reason why this is one of the best hair transplant techniques in Mexico is that with it you can graft a greater number of hair follicles and you will not need to shave. If you combine this technique with the FUE, you will get a surprising result.

Also, a greater number of hair follicles can be obtained in excellent condition, since there will be between 2,000 or 3,000 in the strip. Usually, the doctor will choose those of better quality that have between 2 or 4 hairs per follicle. In addition, their removal is easier and safer, and they run less risk of being damaged during surgery.

The only problem with this is that it will leave a small scar in the nape area; however, it will not be visible. As for the grafted hair, it will not be very noticeable either and in a few days, it will adapt to your new area of the scalp.

It is important that, once you have undergone any of the two methods of hair transplantation, you follow all the postoperative care indicated by the doctor to the letter. In this way, your recovery will be faster, and the results of the intervention will be more noticeable and permanent in the long term.

Dare to change and improve your appearance with either of these two hair grafting methods. Although these are somewhat long operations, they are very simple to perform and, from the hand of knowledgeable surgeons, everything will go perfectly, and you will see the best results in a very short time.If you are looking for the clinic with the best hair transplant in Mexico, Cancun Hair Restoration is where you should go. We have the best plastic surgeons who are experts in hair grafting. Visit us at any of our branches in Cancun or Mexico City. You can contact us from our website; by phone to the line: 55-5466-1144; or write us an email at: [email protected] ; and change your life completely.

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The FUE Hair Transplant lasts forever?

The FUE Hair Transplant lasts forever

FUE hair transplantation is an innovative technique for hair restoration. And, if you are looking for the best hair transplant in Mexico, this is one of the solutions offered by Cancun Hair Restoration. But, one of the frequently asked questions we get is does this procedure last forever. Next, our experts will help you answer this question.

What is the FUE hair transplant?

It is a hair-to-hair transplantation method that achieves excellent results. It is a minor surgical treatment consisting of individually removing the hair, so that there are no scars on the head. The removed hair is placed in the area receiving the transplant.

The procedure is outpatient and the result is quite natural, so when you recover from the surgery, you will have great hair. 

All hair transplant procedures require care before and after surgery, but this will depend on the type of procedure. In the case of FUE, the hair follicles are grafted onto the areas with thinning hair and will require a certain amount of time to heal.

One fact is that some of the hair will probably fall out during the first three months after the procedure. The healing time varies between 6 and 12 months. Once the healing period is complete, hair will begin to grow from the transplanted follicles, which will fill in the empty spaces, making baldness no longer a problem for you.

It lasts forever?

The results are visible from the first day and yes, they are long-lasting, to the point of being considered permanent. However, for this to happen, it is necessary to have a quality healing and recovery process, guided by experts. If you do not have the necessary care before and after surgery, the quality of the results is likely to be affected.

The movement of the hair follicles is permanent. There is no way to return them to their previous position. This may mean that the transplanted follicles stop producing hair at some point. For this reason, it is important to consult an expert to evaluate the pros and cons of this procedure in your specific case.

The result can vary from person to person. Don’t be guided by the advice of friends or family who have undergone the process. See a doctor who will advise you for the best results, whether with FUE, FUT or micropigmentation.

Just one transplant?

We will not lie. Your first hair transplant may not be your last. In some cases, the doctor will say that it is necessary to have multiple sessions to obtain the desired result. People are also likely to be satisfied with the results of the transplant. And, once the scalp has healed, they decide to perform another procedure to fill in the empty spaces.

This decision will depend on you and the recommendations made by the doctor in charge of your case.

Find the most optimal solution for you contacting us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get great hair again! We are waiting for you.

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Hair Transplant Consultation and all you need to know about it

1. Bald man on the hair transplant consultation


Getting a hair transplant sounds great, but behind a good result lies an extended process. First of all, you have to do a space on your day to meet your doctor. But, what to expect in a hair transplant consultation? Tests? Many questions? Don’t be nervous! Our experts will tell you in this article some things and facts about this important part of the process.

During the hair transplant consultation, it’ll be when many factors for your procedure are determined; mainly, the feasibility of the procedure according to your case and all the hair restoration options that will help you. Therefore, it is vital that all the information is presented to the expert doctor and thus have all the best.

That’s why we decided to make this blog so you know the basics about hair transplant consultation and you don’t come to the clinic without knowing anything about it. Everything that the doctor needs to know to give you a better service will be discussed during this first important interview.


Man with hair loss on the hair transplant consultation

Every case of hair loss is different, the causes may be the same, but the origin is different and, by this reason, the result can be different. Through the hair transplant consultation, you’ll be able to discuss with the doctor the results you expect from the hair transplant procedure. Is important that the doctor knows vital information that will come useful during que operation.

The health professional, thanks to his experience, will recommend the best treatment according to the characteristics of your hair loss. In addition, the hair transplant consultation is the ideal time to solve all your doubts. Also, you’ll know how viable the hair transplant is for your case and if there is some other treatment you can try for hair restoration.

However, many people fear going for a hair transplant consultation, either out of embarrassment or because they don’t know what to expect. Some of the things you can expect during this first visit with the experts of hair transplant o Cancun Hair Restoration:


During the hair transplant consultation, the doctor will check your scalp to assess the type of hair loss you have. There is no other way to know what type of treatment is ideal for you. With this evaluation, it will also be possible to determine how many hair grafts are necessary to achieve a more natural look.

Although the rate of suitable candidates for hair transplant is high, without a scalp examination it is impossible to determine that this is the best solution for you. In some cases, the hair loss is not as serious or is a temporary process. For these types of cases there are non-surgical treatments that the doctor will tell you about during the hair transplant consultation.


Medical history is very important before making a decision. In it, it is possible to know previous diseases, medical treatments or genetic factors that may have an influence on hair loss. Physical examination during the hair transplant consultation is important, but consideration of prior medical factors is essential. In this way, it will be possible to suggest the ideal treatment for you.


Once the doctor completes the review and recommends the best treatment for you in the hair transplant consultation, we recommend asking the following questions besides the many doubts that you have about the procedure or the other treatments of hair restoration:

  • What are the risks of the treatment?
  • What benefits will the chosen treatment bring?
  • Should you prepare before the operation?
  • What care should you have after the operation?

During the hair transplant consultation, it can also be a platform to discuss the cost of the suggested treatment. A hair transplant abroad may be an option in this case because, in addition to paying for the treatment, you will enjoy a few days off, away from your daily routine.


Doctor on the hair transplant consultation with a patient

You have likely been researching different hair transplant clinics. Some of them offer free hair transplant consultations to start treatment. However, these consultations are usually with sales agents who take a commission for each person who comes to the agency.

At Cancun Hair Repair you won’t run into that. Our staff is trained to review and evaluate your medical history, as well as your level of hair loss. This will give you the guarantee of being before professionals who only look for the best for you.

Find the most optimal solution for you contacting us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get great hair again! We are waiting for you. We make the most comfortable experience from the first hair transplant consultation to your last.

Are you the Best Candidate for Hair Transplant surgery??

Man checking his hairline in front of the mirror

Would you like to know if you are a candidate for a hair transplant? This type of procedure is outpatient and the rate of people who are candidates is quite high. However, in some cases more than one session may be required to obtain the best results. Part of the plans for your hair transplant in Mexico is to know if you are a candidate. How do you know that you are?

Our experts clear your doubts in this article. Remember that the best way to find out is to consult a health professional.

Who is a good candidate for a hair transplant?

Hair loss is more common in men, but it does not mean that women are exempt from this problem. If your hair loss has progressed considerably over a five-year period, hair transplantation is probably the best option for you.

Before you decide to have this procedure, you need to discuss your expectations with your doctor. This can also help determine if you are a good candidate for hair transplantation. The doctor, among other things, will evaluate:

  • If the donor areas are ideal places to take the grafts.
  • The color, texture and wave of the hair. This can affect the bottom line.

In some cases, it will be necessary to consider using one or more techniques, so that the best results are always obtained.

The importance of hair characteristics

Hair has several characteristics that must be considered in deciding if you are a good candidate for hair transplantation. The factors to consider are:

Hair color

This factor will largely determine the effectiveness of the result. This is due to the contrast that exists between the color of the hair and that of the scalp. The higher the contrast, the more noticeable the baldness will be. People with similar hair and skin color, that is, dark hair and dark skin, or fair skin and dark skin, have less noticeable baldness. With this, they become good candidates for hair transplantation.


People with curly or wavy hair tend to have better results with fewer follicular units. This is due to the density of the hair once it begins to grow, as it covers a greater part of the scalp.

In contrast, people with straight hair probably require a greater number of follicles.

Scalp flexibility

Also known as scalp laxity, this factor allows us to determine the ease with which the follicles will be removed for transplantation. If the scalp is inflexible, the procedure will be difficult. On the other hand, if the scalp is quite flexible, the procedure will take place in the best conditions.

It is necessary that you consult all these factors and be considered by a professional. Based on their experience, they will be able to determine if transplantation is the best option for you. Otherwise, the results may not be what you expect.

Find the most optimal solution for you contacting us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get great hair again! We are waiting for you.


Long-haired woman exercising in a gym

Getting a hair transplant sounds great, but behind a good result lies an extended process. First of all, you have to do a space on your day to meet your doctor. But, what to expect in a hair transplant consultation? Tests? Many questions? Don’t be nervous! Our experts will tell you in this article some things and facts about this important part of the process.

During the hair transplant consultation, it’ll be when many factors for your procedure are determined; mainly, the feasibility of the procedure according to your case and all the hair restoration options that will help you. Therefore, it is vital that all the information is presented to the expert doctor and thus have all the best.

That’s why we decided to make this blog so you know the basics about hair transplant consultation and you don’t come to the clinic without knowing anything about it. Everything that the doctor needs to know to give you a better service will be discussed during this first important interview.


Every case of hair loss is different, the causes may be the same, but the origin is different and, by this reason, the result can be different. Through the hair transplant consultation, you’ll be able to discuss with the doctor the results you expect from the hair transplant procedure. Is important that the doctor knows vital information that will come useful during que operation.

The health professional, thanks to his experience, will recommend the best treatment according to the characteristics of your hair loss. In addition, the hair transplant consultation is the ideal time to solve all your doubts. Also, you’ll know how viable the hair transplant is for your case and if there is some other treatment you can try for hair restoration.

However, many people fear going for a hair transplant consultation, either out of embarrassment or because they don’t know what to expect. Some of the things you can expect during this first visit with the experts of hair transplant o Cancun Hair Restoration:

Man exercising with a big dumbbell


During the hair transplant consultation, the doctor will check your scalp to assess the type of hair loss you have. There is no other way to know what type of treatment is ideal for you. With this evaluation, it will also be possible to determine how many hair grafts are necessary to achieve a more natural look.

Although the rate of suitable candidates for hair transplant is high, without a scalp examination it is impossible to determine that this is the best solution for you. In some cases, the hair loss is not as serious or is a temporary process. For these types of cases there are non-surgical treatments that the doctor will tell you about during the hair transplant consultation.


Medical history is very important before making a decision. In it, it is possible to know previous diseases, medical treatments or genetic factors that may have an influence on hair loss. Physical examination during the hair transplant consultation is important, but consideration of prior medical factors is essential. In this way, it will be possible to suggest the ideal treatment for you.

This part of the hair transplant consultation is very importantas the feasibility of the procedure is determined. In case you suffer from any disease that makes it impossible to carry it out or that puts your health at risk.

Generally, there is no problem regarding the feasibility of hair transplantation; but it is vital that during the consultation the surgeon checks you perfectly and goes through all the tests as long as you are sure at all times. We are interested in taking care of you and giving you the best attention at all times and that implies ensuring the viability of your hair transplant.


Once the doctor completes the review and recommends the best treatment for you in the hair transplant consultation, we recommend asking the following questions besides the many doubts that you have about the procedure or the other treatments of hair restoration:

  • What are the risks of the treatment?
  • What benefits will the chosen treatment bring?
  • Should you prepare before the operation?
  • What care should you have after the operation?

During the hair transplant consultation, it can also be a platform to discuss the cost of the suggested treatment. A hair transplant abroad may be an option in this case because, in addition to paying for the treatment, you will enjoy a few days off, away from your daily routine.

Man drying the sweat from his head


You’ve likely been researching different hair transplant clinics. Some of them offer free hair transplant consultations to start treatment. However, these consultations are usually with sales agents who take a commission for each person who comes to the agency.

At Cancun Hair Repair you won’t run into that. Our staff is trained to review and evaluate your medical history, as well as your level of hair loss. This will give you the guarantee of being before professionals who only look for the best for you.

Find the most optimal solution for you contacting us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get great hair again! We are waiting for you. We make the most comfortable experience from the first hair transplant consultation to your last.

Psoriasis and Hair Loss

Psoarisis and Hair Loss

Psoriasis and hair loss have a very close relationship. Sometimes the solution is to have a hair transplant in Mexico. But, would you like to know what is the relationship between the two? Continue reading this article that Cancun Hair Repair brings you.

Psoriasis and hair loss: how are they related?

Psoriasis is a common skin disorder that produces raised, reddish, and often scaly patches. This can appear as a single patch or be several and, to some extent, affect the entire scalp. In some cases, it spreads to the forehead, the back of the neck, and even inside the ears.

Starting treatment can help control scalp psoriasis. When you see your doctor, you can find several options to fix it. Treatments for psoriasis minimize irritation to the scalp and consequently will decrease hair loss.

Psoriasis: types and symptoms

Psoriasis affects about 7.4 million people in the United States. In this condition, the immune system converts skin cells too quickly. This causes red spots and silver scales known as plaques to form on the surface of the skin. It can be of two types: mild or severe. And, depending on its progress, it can cause hair loss.

Temporary hair loss

It is true that psoriasis can cause temporary hair loss. The itching caused by flaking will lead to scratching, which can lead to hair loss. But, once you start the treatment, your hair will grow back.

Tips to prevent itching

In Cancun Hair Restoration we leave some tips to relieve and prevent itching caused by psoriasis:

  • Use of conditioner to keep the scalp hydrated.
  • Do not use hair dryers or other tools that provide heat frequently.
  • Menthol hair products will be soothing to you.
  • Make use of ice packs or wet towels. Apply them directly to the irritated scalp.
  • Consult your doctor to monitor your stress level and review your eating habits, as well as medical treatments or conditions that may be affecting your scalp.

How to control psoriasis? 

There are different methods to control psoriasis:

Topical methods

Topical methods for managing psoriasis include:

  • Creams, topical steroid type
  • Sprays such as clobetasol propionate (Clobex)
  • Steroid foams
  • Mineral oils for night application
  • Any medicated shampoo that contains selenium or tar

Oral medications

For some cases, the doctor will recommend oral treatments, which may include:

Laser treatments

XTRAC lasers are useful for distributing UVB light on the skin. It takes 4 to 10 sessions to notice results in the treatment.

Remember not to self-medicate and always consult your doctor. If you want to get the best hair transplant in Mexico, contact us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get great hair again! We are waiting for you.

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FUE and FUT: which is the best? 

Medications can cause hair loss?

Medications can cause hair loss

When he goes to the doctor and prescribes some treatment for a disease, he usually asks if he can eat or drink something specific. However, a basic question is always overlooked: medications can cause hair loss? This type of question is more common in people who already have a clavicle problem and are considering the best hair transplant in Mexico.

But, if this is the first time you ask, Cancun Hair Restoration brings you this interesting blog.

Myth or true?

The answer to this question is a great one: it depends on the medication. Alopecia is a condition that appears as a result of several factors and some types of medication are closely related. It is important to clarify that alopecia can affect any part of the body that is covered by hair. 

In case the alopecia appears as a consequence of the medication, the hair loss will depend on the duration of the treatment and the dose of it. But, if you detect an excessive fall, it is better to consult an expert. When the damage is severe enough, you may need to undergo a hair transplant once the treatment is complete.

What medications cause hair loss?

There are medications that are responsible for hair loss in some of the phases of the growth cycle: resting phase (telogen), growth phase (anagen) and catagen phase.

Telogen phase

In the case of the telogen phase, it is possible to find:

  • Beta blockers
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Contraceptive pills
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Fluoxetine (Prozac)
  • Sertraline (Zoloft)
  • Paroxetine (Paxil)
  • Antifungal medications
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Thyroid treatment
  • Anticoagulants
  • Those aimed at lowering cholesterol

Anagen phase

At this stage, the following medications stand out:

  • Boric acid
  • Chemotherapy
  • Arsenic
  • Colcrys

Medications in general

Other medications that can lead to hair loss are:

  • Acne medications containing vitamin A (retinoids)
  • Antidepressants
  • Immune-inhibiting drugs
  • Diuretics
  • Steroids
  • Parkinson’s medications
  • Antifungal drugs

Remember that if you notice any abnormality in the growth of your hair or discomfort in general from a treatment, you should discuss it with your doctor. Self-medication should never be an option.

Can this type of hair loss be reversed?

Most logical solution to stop hair loss is to stop taking the medication. But, before making this decision, it is important to discuss it with your doctor. With the help of your healthcare professional, you are likely to find an alternative solution or consider a future hair transplant.

Even if you stop taking the medication, hair loss is likely to stop up to 6 months later. Total growth of your hair can take up to 1 and a half years.

How to diagnose drug hair loss?

If you notice any of these symptoms, visit your doctor:

  • You see strands of hair on pillows.
  • When you brush your hair, a good amount comes off your head.
  • Notice strands of hair in the drain when you take a shower.

When you see your doctor, they will likely ask you about your general eating habits, if you have undergone any surgery, or if there is a family history of hair loss. All this will help you to make an accurate diagnosis to solve your problem.

To find the most optimal solution for you, contact us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get great hair again! We are waiting for you.

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Vitamins for Hair Growth

Vitamins for Hair Growth

When you have hair loss and thinning, the first thing you want to find is the cause. But your priority should be to find a solution. Depending on your hair loss problem, you can plan a hair transplant abroad, or you can get vitamins for hair growth. Do they really work? Keep reading this article to know the answer.

Vitamins for hair growth: why to try it?

The consumption of vitamins is essential for people’s health. Its function is to preserve a good state of health. In other words: if your body receives enough vitamins and minerals, you will not get sick as often and, if you do, your immune system will respond optimally.

The problem is that, with today’s pace of life, people skip breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This, in the short term, will affect the health of your skin, hair, nails and more. A poor diet is the cause of hair loss and, if this is the cause of your hair loss, it is time to put a solution!

For starters, avoid junk food and go for green vegetables and fresh fruits. You can find simple recipes on the internet!

Vitamins for hair growth: how it works?

There are vitamins and minerals that are auxiliary to achieve healthy hair growth. These should be considered as supplements: nothing replaces a balanced diet. And, in some cases, hair loss can only be solved with hair transplantation, so we recommend consulting your doctor before taking any supplements.

Some of the vitamins that your body needs to stop hair loss are:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps the glands in the skin make a substance called sebum. This hydrates the scalp and allows the hair to remain healthy. Diets deficient in this vitamin cause several problems, including hair loss.

Sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and spinach are a source of beta-carotene. This, in turn, is converted into vitamin A. You can also find it in animal products, such as milk, eggs and yogurt, as well as cod liver oil.

However, it is also important to consider that an overdose of vitamin A contributes to hair loss. It is better to keep a balance.

Vitamin C

When free radicals are damaged, they can block hair growth, causing it to age. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which protects your body from oxidative stress as a result of free radicals.

In addition, with vitamin C, your body creates a protein, collagen, which is an essential part of the hair structure. And, as if that were not enough, this vitamin helps in the absorption of iron. This mineral is necessary for healthy hair growth.

Some of the most common sources of vitamin C are strawberries, guavas, citrus fruits, and guavas.

Vitamins B

When you go to the doctor with a moderate hair loss problem, she will most likely prescribe a supplement of B vitamins. Also known as biotin, it is an aid in the creation of red blood cells.

Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen to all parts of the body, including the scalp and hair follicles.

Vitamin B is found in foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fish, shellfish, and dark green vegetables. But, in addition to food, you can find vitamin B12 supplements, which are very useful for people with vegetarian and vegan diets.

Remember that you should not self-medicate. Consult with your doctor before making a decision about the treatment that is best for you. To find the most optimal solution for you, contact us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get great hair again! We are waiting for you.

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Types of hair loss

Types of hair loss

If you are looking for a place to do a hair restoration in Mexico, you are in the right web site. With us, in addition to accessing the treatment, you will find a team of professionals who will help you find your type of hair loss.

That’s right: each case of hair loss is different from each other. Some are caused by health problems; others are more of a genetic issue. The truth is that at Cancun Hair Restoration we have a solution for you. While you are sending the contact email, in the next article we will tell you more about the different types of hair loss.

Types of hair loss: what is mine?

Losing hair is a situation with many variations. It can range from a slight thinning of the hair to a complete baldness. It is also possible to distinguish between sudden and gradual baldness. And yes, it is possible to find cases where, simultaneously, more than one condition of hair loss happening at the same time.

Hereditary hair loss

Also known as “androgenetic alopecia”, is the most common form of baldness. Some people call it “hereditary hair loss“. If someone in the family has alopecia, probably you going to get it.

Usually, hair loss happens in people in their 30s. Woman who has this genetic, typically loss hair during menopause period. But there are some cases with young people having this type of hair loss.

Hereditary hair loss has one distinctive characteristic: baldness starts spreading to certain areas of the head.

Diffuse alopecia

When someone suffers from this type of hair loss, they experience patchy baldness. This can be caused by overuse of medications or by some diseases, such as hyperthyroidism. With a balanced diet, it will be possible to help put an end to this problem.

Alopecia areata

Also called “circular hair loss” causes people to start to lose hair in the form of patches, triangles or circles. The causes for which it occurs are still unknown from a scientific point of view.

When it comes to extreme situations, people can totally lose their hair. But this type of case is not so frequent. Generally, people with alopecia areata are candidates for a hair transplant.

Involutional alopecia

It consists of the thinning and gradual loss of hair, produced by age. The more years go by, a greater number of hair follicles will enter the resting phase, causing the remaining hair to become shorter, finer and less numerous. It is the second most common type of hair loss.

Telogen effluvium

It occurs when a large number of follicles on the scalp enter the resting phase of the hair growth cycle, called telogen. However, contrary to what would normally happen, the next phase of growth does not begin. This causes the hair to fall out and not grow back.

It generally does not lead to total baldness, but it does lead to the loss of 300 to 500 hairs per day. This will give an appearance of fragility and thinness, especially in the area of ​​the crown and temples.

Its causes are quite varied. It can occur in response to a vitamin and mineral deficiency, the use of some medications, such as anticoagulants, as well as the start or stop of oral contraceptives.

Its duration is temporary and usually begins three months after a medical event. Once you recover from an illness or stop taking a medicine, hair growth will take place on its own. But, if this hair loss lasts for more than six months, it is classified as chronic.

These are some of the types of hair loss that exist. Take it easy. Our experts will find the best solution for you. Contact us. Come with the experts of Cancun Hair Restoration and get a great hair again! We are waiting for you.