ARTAS Mexico: what you must know about procedures and costs


Many people who are thinking of undergoing a hair implant treatment wonder which procedure to choose. There are two treatments that stand out, ARTAS Mexico, performed with a robotic arm for hair transplant and the follicle unit extraction or FUE; and both must be performed by a specialized surgeon.

People who suffer from hair loss, especially at a young age, are extremely interested in hair transplant procedures and it is very common for them to come across information about the ARTAS Mexico technique, but is it just advertising? Is this treatment really beneficial for the patient? Could a procedure that is performed by a robot be trusted?

To answer these questions and any other questions you may have regarding ARTAS or any other hair transplant technique that we do at our clinic in Mexico, in this blog post we will talk about the most important procedures. Advantages, disadvantages, costs and more important factors you will know here.



How does ARTAS Mexico work? The transplant specialist trims the patient’s hair and proceeds to mark the area where the graft will be removed and will also select the area of the head where it will be placed. The donor area for patients is usually located on the back and sides of the head or scalp.

Subsequently, local anesthesia will be applied in the area to be worked on. The patient will remain awake the entire time and in a sitting position in a very comfortable seat, usually with their head supported by a pillow to prevent movement during the application and to achieve the greatest comfort and stability.

A tensor is then placed over the extraction area to stabilize the skin so it is ready for when the hair graft is extracted. The ARTAS Mexico system uses several cameras that capture 3D images of the patient’s microscopic follicular units. In this way the hairs can be identified more easily.

The robotic arm will adjust based on the information processed from the 3D camera system. Once the identification of the individual follicular units is complete, they will be harvested individually with the robotic double punch system, optimizing the quality of the extracted hair follicles.


In the ARTAS hair implant system, the robot removes the follicles and grafts them into the selected area. The other procedures are performed in the same way as in the case of other hair transplant techniques, including FUE, which we will explain later. ARTAS Mexico is only the technology assisted by a surgeon.

Manos aplicando anestesia a hombre que se va a someter a tratamiento ARTS México

Today there are modern robotic hair transplant systems that offer patients some limitations. ARTAS technology in Mexico can only extract follicles in dark-haired patients with straight hair .

In the event that a man or woman is red-haired, blond or has gray hair, the algorithm of the ARTAS Mexico robot could not recognize their hair type, so they would be forced to choose another technique or dye it and apply a straightening treatment.



The FUE technique consists of extracting live hair follicles one by one using a circular micro scalpel, which minimizes the impact on the extraction area. Later they are grafted in the desired area. The FUE method requires shaving the donor area, usually the back of the head.

The first or preoperative steps are to perform medical tests on the patient and review their medical history. Once this is done, the intervention will proceed where the specialist surgeon will meet with the patient to give advice on the process and preoperative care.

In the same way as with the ARTAS Mexico procedure, the area to be worked on must be delineated. Subsequently, the extraction will proceed, when the area is anesthetized, the specialist surgeon will make the first cut in the scalp and extract the follicles one by one.

The implant of hair consists of introducing the grafts one by one, until finishing with the entire selected area. At the end, the surgeon offers recommendations for post-operative care and the patient will be able to leave the site on their own.

Among the best advantages of the FUE technique for hair transplantation, we can mention that it does not leave scars. It is also especially indicated for moderate-grade alopecia, the postoperative recovery time is shorter compared to others except of the ARTAS Mexico, in addition, it is also appropriate for eyebrows, mustaches or beards.

FUE is a manual application hair transplant treatment that many compare to a technique that resembles art. Specifically, it is a process that uses a single texture or single stroke that is not symmetrical and represents a creative endeavor.


According to the testimony of many people who have already undergone hair transplant treatments, they indicate that one of the main disadvantages is that the number of grafts that can be performed depends on the density and size of the donor area and, consequently, by In general, fewer grafts can be performed than with ARTAS Mexico.

In the same way, the grafts are also shown to be more susceptible to damage compared to the FUT strip and the quality of the graft corresponds to the skill and experience of the surgeon. Many people prefer the ARTAS Mexico procedure as they do not want to cut the hair on the back of their head for FUE.

Antes y después del implante de cabello con ARTAS México


Whether using the ARTAS Mexico or FUE technique, hair transplant surgical procedures require sophisticated skills and a lot of experience. On the one hand, we have the grafts installed on the scalp that are performed by a robot, on the other hand, the manual procedure that would take more time to perform, but with more finesse.

Although the expert hand of the plastic surgeons that collaborate at Cancun Hair Restoration is very capable of perfectly performing a hair transplant with the FUE technique, the ARTAS robot allows greater precision when extracting and repositioning the hair follicles. The results between both have been more satisfactory with this technique thanks to the operating system.

In addition, the marks are a little less visible when they are made with the ARTAS Mexico procedure and, although both have a completely natural appearance, since the cuts are not very visible, the result is better. However, there are different points beyond the results that it is important that you take into account, especially related to costs.

The hair transplant procedure that we carry out with ARTAS Mexico is very economical compared to clinics in Canada, the United States and Europe; but, if we compare them with that of the FUE hair transplant, this is higher. Therefore, you should carefully consider the budget that you will invest in a surgery like this.

Regarding the price that ARTAS Mexico has, it changes depending on the amount of hair follicles you require to obtain the results you expect. In most of the procedures that we have carried out in our clinic, between 2,500 and 3,000 follicles are required; however, only the doctor can say exactly how many will be needed.

If you require more detailed information regarding the costs of ARTAS Mexico or any of the other hair restoration procedures that we have, we recommend that you send us a message from our contact page. In this way, an expert will answer all the questions you have about it or about the procedure.

Although they are very similar to each other, they are different and the decision is yours. Regardless of which of the two procedures you choose to recover your hair, you will have excellent results with both if you go to our specialized clinic. If you have any doubts, on our website you will find some of the many success stories we have had.



Find the best ARTAS Mexico treatment abroad at Cancun Hair Restoration is a hair transplant company that was founded in 2016 in Cancun Mexico. At Cancun Hair Restoration we offer hair transplant surgeries with the best and most advanced techniques such as ARTAS in Mexico, FUT, FUE and scalp micropigmentation. Contact us!

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