Currently, in addition to the traditional hair transplant, you can also get an ARTAS hair restoration, with the aim of solving the problem of baldness present in more people than we think around the world. However, you may be wondering, how many of these offer truly effective, natural-looking results without the need for unpleasant side effects?

Hair loss due to baldness, especially in men, does not have to be irreversible. In fact, it is not, with the latest technology in ARTAS hair restoration you can receive a robotic hair transplant and recover the lost hair in the area of the head that needs it.

One of the most trusted resolutions that many people turn to is ARTAS hair restoration, which is the most advanced hair restoration procedure in the scalp regrowth industry. This technology consists of a robot assisted by a specialist surgeon for the ARTAS hair restoration intervention. It offers natural, permanent and clinically proven results.

Best of all, with this hair transplant technique, the scar resulting from the procedure is insignificant and new hair gradually grows over it. It is very unlikely that people will find out that you have undergone an ARTAS hair restoration procedure. In any case, the only thing they will notice is that you look much better.


If your hair thins in the area of the forehead or falls out around the crown forming the famous “receding hairline”, it is possible that you enter the statistics of the more than one billion men who suffer from premature baldness. Also known as male pattern baldness, this condition occurs when hair becomes sensitive to DHT, which is a natural hormone that helps the body grow.

There are hair follicles that are resistant to DHT and are usually found on the sides of the head and at the back of the head (at the nape of the neck), on the other hand, the rest of the hair thins and becomes weak with the passing of the years.

Fortunately, the hair that did resist DHT is the answer to the million-dollar question of many men; How can I get back the amount of hair I had before?


Of all the procedures and treatments that currently exist for the treatment and restoration of hair, the ARTAS hair restoration technique is perhaps the most advanced and the one that offers the best possible results. The technology with which this robotic arm is made allows the procedure to be extremely precise and simple.

hombre viejo sonriente sosteniendo una peluca sobre su cabeza antes de someterse a la restauración capilar artas

Hair transplant carried out with the FUE or FUT techniques offer excellent results to 96 percent of the people who undergo them. However, there is a small margin of possibility that in the end you will not get the results you expect.

In such cases, ARTAS hair restoration allows for better preservation and transplantation of the hair follicles. More exact cuts and obtaining the best hair follicles thanks to its artificial intelligence that can identify them perfectly.

Other non-surgical hair restoration procedures may not give you the result you expect; especially if your baldness problem is very advanced. With ARTAS hair restoration, the end result you see will be permanent and you will never have to worry about your hair falling out again.


Before talking you about how ARTAS hair restoration works and is carried out, it’s important to point out that it is not necessary to shave your entire head for the procedure. The doctor will be in charge of only cutting the necessary areas to be able to extract the hair follicles in the best possible way without damaging it.

The ARTAS Hair Restoration System is applied using digital imaging with the help of a precision robot and an intelligent algorithm that is tasked with tracing the dissection and grafting of healthy follicles. This robotic arm can only be managing by an expert plastic surgeon in order to get the best results.

The amazing thing about the ARTAS hair restoration procedure is that the artificial intelligence that manage the algorithm can calculate the exact angle and position to obtain and transplant every hair follicle. Thanks to this you can achieve a more natural appearance and non a single visible mark once it heals; no one will notice you got this procedure.

ARTAS hair restoration is a minimally invasive and very precise process, there is no need to remove tissue surgery of any area of the head . The patient will not experience any visible scarring on the scalp and there is no need for sutures or staples with this type of hair transplant technique.

The ARTAS hair restoration procedure generally has a duration range from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the amount of hair to be transplanted. Thanks to the technology used, it is much faster than a manual hair transplant, which can last up to 12 hours with more than one session.

On the day the transplant surgical process is scheduled, the patient will sit in a comfortable chair connected to the ARTAS hair restoration system . The hair will be cut to 1 mm long, this is so that the robot uses its artificial intelligence algorithms and identifies healthy hair faster and better to use as grafts.

The ARTAS Hair Restoration System is powered by high-definition stereoscopic vision technology that monitors, tracks, and analyzes each individual hair at a rate of sixty times per second. The ARTAS robot creates digital mapping that offers superior graft dissection and a minimally invasive harvesting process with the goal of preserving the natural appearance of your donor area.

ARTAS hair restoration is also considered an outpatient procedure as it requires only local anesthesia and the patient will be able to walk on their own shortly after the treatment is complete. During the procedure, you will feel virtually no pain and once it’s over, in case you feel some discomfort, you will only need to take some painkillers during the next few days.

Although you are likely to experience some discomfort and swelling after ARTAS hair restoration, these symptoms should subside within 1-3 days. Also, because there is no need to worry about the stitches scarring (as they are simply not there), recovery time is much quicker than with manual hair transplant procedures.


Because the ARTAS hair restoration procedure is minimally invasive and requires no surgical incisions or stitches, recovery time is extremely fast. Patients report that they can usually resume normal activities within 1 to 2 days.

hombre con poco cabello que se someterá a la restauración capilar artas

However, it will not be possible for you to see the results until almost 12 months after the hair transplant. This is because the follicles transplanted with the ARTAS hair restoration technique must adapt to the new area of your scalp.

During the first months after the surgery, you will notice that your hair will begin to grow, but soon after it will fall out because it is very thin. This doesn’t mean that your ARTAS hair restoration procedure hasn’t worked, but rather that the follicles are adapting to the new area of the head and are gradually becoming stronger.

The small cuts made during the procedure will close after a couple of weeks and in just over a month you will be able to continue with your life as normal without the need for any special care. While your wounds heal, we recommend not wearing hats, not exposing yourself to the sun for a long time and taking the medications indicated by the doctor.

Recovery from a procedure like ARTAS hair restoration is not painful, but it can be annoying to some degree. When you get to feel some degree of discomfort, you just have to take a pain reliever and in minutes you will feel better. Once everything is settled and your hair grows normally, the results you’ll see will be permanent.


Cancun Hair Restoration is a hair transplant company that was founded in 2016 in Cancun, Mexico. Our ARTAS Hair Restoration and Surgery specialists have over 17 years of experience in this area, working with some of the best companies in the US and UK.

At Cancun Hair Restoration we offer hair transplant surgeries with the best and most advanced techniques such as FUT, FUE and scalp micropigmentation. We also perform facial hair transplants for any male patient desiring a full beard and eyebrow hair transplant for women seeking fuller, thicker eyebrows.

Do not hesitate and recover the hair of your youth with Cancun Hair Restorationschedule your ARTAS Hair Restoration now from our website. We offer you the highest quality care in first class facilities with technology that not everyone has. In addition, you will be surrounded by a paradise like the Riviera Maya.