Hair Plugs: How are harvested for a hair transplant?

To obtain the largest number of hair plugs for a successful transplant, it is necessary that the operation be performed by an expert plastic surgeon. You need to have a steady hand that can properly extract them and not damage them in the process to graft them back into the area where they will be placed.

The definitive solution to problems of baldness, hair loss and alopecia is undoubtedly a hair transplant. With this procedure you’ll be able to recover the capillary mass that you had in your youth, as long as it is done in a high quality clinic. Only an experienced surgeon can extract enough hair plugs to correct these problems.

Long-haired man leaning on a brick wall

So that you know about the hair transplant procedure and how the plastic surgeon will be in charge of obtaining all the hair plugs, in this blog we will talk about the procedure that is followed to extract, preserve and place them on the head. Remember that, if you have more questions about each hair regeneration treatment, you can contact us from our page.

The different techniques to obtain the Hair Plugs

The first part of the process to obtain hair plugs is the extraction; In this first step, the surgeon must be very careful to cut properly without affecting them. There are three hair transplant techniques that we perform at Cancun Hair Restoration and that are the most effective to achieve a better result and we will talk about them in the following list:

This procedure is one of the most common and most effective there is; This consists of extracting one by one the hair plugs from the donor area. Generally, they are extracted from the area of the nape or the sides of the head, which is where there is a greater volume of hair. The plastic surgeon has to make sure that they are strong enough to withstand the transplant.

One of the advantages of this procedure is that it doesn’t leave visible scars on the head with the naked eye. The small cuts that the doctor will make to extract and place all the hair plugs necessary for the procedure close quickly and are not noticeable. It is a long process, but with very little risk and with incredible final results.

  • Strip Follicular Unit Extraction or FUT Hair Transplantation

This hair plug extraction procedure is used when the problem of baldness is greater or very advanced, since it is sought to obtain the biggest number of follicles in a single session. It consists of cutting a strip of hair from the area of the never of 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 inches); in this way they can be preserved more easily and obtain a greater quantity.

Once the strip is perfectly extracted from the head, it is divided into micro-units of hair plugs to be able to place them in the recipient area more easily. The scar from the cut is more visible than those left by the FUE hair transplant; however, with hair growth it can be covered after it fully heals.

  • Extraction of follicular units with ARTAS robot

Compared to the two previous procedures, the extraction of hair plugs with the ARTAS robot is faster and more effective. The procedure is very similar to the FUE hair transplant; however, the difference is that in this case the plastic surgeon uses the ARTAS robotic arm to obtain them.

The cuts made by the ARTAS robotic arm are millimetric and fast; therefore, being more accurate, all hair plugs are better preserved than manually. A hair transplant session with this state-of-the-art tool is faster than either of the other two forms of extraction.

The conservation of the Hair Plugs

The next step in the hair transplant process is the conservation of each of the hair grafts . Approximately, in each session between 2,500 and 3,000 follicles are obtained, which must remain as intact as possible for the duration of the surgery. It is a long procedure and it is very important that they are handled properly and not damaged.

It is important that the plastic surgeon creates the right conditions for it to survive and for this it’s important to consider two factors: dehydration and heating. All the hair grafts obtain during the first part of the procedure must remain with the correct humidity and temperature so that the extracted hair plugs are not damaged.

As soon as they are removed from the donor area, the hair follicles begin to deteriorate and the way to keep them moist is with a saline solution, either with saline, hypothermosol or a similar product. In this way, the first factor for the conservation of hair plug will be covered.

To keep them at the correct temperature, specialized equipment is used to keep them cold without damaging them. This is how it is achieved that none of the properties and physiological characteristics of the hair plugs are affected. The low temperature must be maintained throughout the procedure to ensure none are lost.

Expert hands to place all the Hair Plugs

When the extraction of hair plugs is finished and there are already enough follicles to correct the baldness problem. The plastic surgeon will begin to place them properly according to the design of the hairline that he traced before starting the surgery.

Man with a blue shirt with flowers, hairstyle and beard

To place all the hair plugs, the plastic surgeon must draw a map so that the final result has a natural appearance and is not different from the rest of your hair. Therefore, only a doctor with experience in hair transplant is indicated to carry out this procedure.

This is how the hair transplant is carried out, from the extraction of the hair plugs to their placement in the recipient area. If you are looking to have a hair transplant in an experienced clinic, Cancun Hair Restoration is the right place; schedule your appointment from our website now!