At Cancun Hair Restoration, we make sure that none of the hair grafting procedures we perform are painful; Therefore, we are one of the best clinics of hair transplant in Mexico today. So, no matter which one you decide to have, you won’t feel anything during the surgery.

However, the pain threshold in each person is different and some of our clients have revealed to us that, throughout the surgery, they came to feel a slight pull or pressure where the hair application is made. These discomforts were very mild and are completely tolerable, no matter how sensitive you are to pain.

Although, during the surgery there may not be more than a few discomforts, once the anesthesia we place on you passes, they may begin to increase, or it could even hurt. Days after hair transplant in Mexico surgery you will feel them, but if you have the proper care, they will not last long. Therefore, here we will tell you how you can take care of your scalp after the operation, so that you do not have a lot of pain. In addition, we will tell you a little about the procedure that the anesthesiologist follows during the intervention.


So that, throughout the hair transplant operation, you do not feel even the slightest pain, the specialist doctor will use a local anesthesia, very similar to that used by dentists in dental treatment. In addition, they use sedation to relax and endure the long surgery.

The greatest discomfort that you will have throughout the surgery will be from the application of local anesthesia that is done on the scalp. Once it has taken effect, you will not have pain throughout the surgery. Along with the use of some pain relievers, he uses antibiotics so that the part of the head that is treated does not become infected during surgery.

How long can a Hair Transplant surgery in Mexico last?

Depending on the treatment you decide to undergo, the duration of the intervention will be; in regular cases it will take between 3 or 4 hours, but in cases of people with alopecia or a similar disease it will last up to 12 hours. During all this time, while you are under the effects of anesthesia, you will not feel more than a slight tug from time to time.

Doctor applying anesthesia to a patient for a hair transplant

In any hair transplant clinic in Mexico, the duration of this surgery is similar; in some, you may need up to two sessions or more sessions to complete. Depending on how many hair follicles are going to be transplanted is the duration of the surgery; even, the patient can decide if it is done in different sessions.

At Hair Cancun Restoration, we perform the hair graft quickly so that you feel the discomfort for the shortest possible time; Our plastic surgeons have extensive experience in this area and will be able to tell you which is the best way forward.

What care to take to avoid pain?

Hair transplantation in Mexico is an outpatient operation and in a matter of hours you will be recovering in the comfort of your home. The risks are minimal, and it is a surgery that does not cause more than a few discomforts.

At the end of the intervention, the doctor will prescribe certain pain relievers and anti-inflammatories that will help make recovery more bearable. You should take them in the way you are instructed, because if you don’t, the pain will be unbearable, and the treated area could be severely affected.

It is important that you take good care of the area where the hair graft was performed and that you resume your daily activities with great care. Avoid doing intense physical activity that causes intense sweating on the head or exposing yourself for hours to the sun, as this will affect the healing process.

If you do not act with caution and if you do not take the medications in the time indicated by the surgeon, the pain will increase. However, there have been cases of patients with less tolerance to pain, which can become severe despite taking analgesics; In these cases, it is best to contact us immediately.

The hair transplant in Mexico is completely painless and, with proper care after the operation, the inconvenience will be minimal. Now that you have decided to undergo hair transplant surgery, consider doing it in a clinic that has doctors specializing in plastic surgery and anesthesiology. With them, you will be in the best hands, because you will have incredible results without the slightest pain. If you have any questions about the hair transplant procedure in Mexico, you can visit us at our branches of Cancun or in Mexico City. Also, you can contact us from our website or by calling : 55-5466-1144 . If you wish, write us an at: [email protected].

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