The care you should take with your scalp after hair transplant

You have chosen to look great by having a hair transplant in Mexico with our experts at Hair Cancun Restoration. Congratulations on making that great decision, which, by the way, shouldn’t have been easy. But you are brave and ready to start the adventure of getting your amazing hair back, knowing every part of the procedure.

In order to help you to achieve a complete recovery after the hair transplant in Mexico, here you will find a short handy guide for the days after your procedure. You just have to make sure to follow them for a couple days and once the cuts healed completely, you can go back to your normal life.


Many places dedicated to hair restoration procedures focus only on explaining the process, leaving recovery aside. We, as the professionals that we are, want to explain a little more about recovery and why you should do it in a place as beautiful as Cancun.

  • Home sweet home, the best place to be for recovery

When the procedure is finished, a gauze pad will be placed around your head, covered by a protective cap. The gauze will be removed during the postoperative exam, which is usually the next day. Once it is removed, you will not need any type of bandage.

Try to lie down for as long as possible, as if you constantly stand up, you are likely to develop some swelling. Eat healthy foods and take antibiotics and pain relievers prescribed by your doctor; it’s important that you’ll get them after the surgery in case you need them.

  • Take your medicines

If you feel a little bit uncomfortable, you can take a pain reliever within 4 hours of taking the first one. Most patients do not need pain relievers after the first day, but antibiotics should continue for the length of time recommended by the doctor.

Take the necessary precautions to avoid injuring yourself at night. Take care that your head remains in an optimal position, away from areas where the scalp can be subjected to pressure or to be rubbed, even with the pillow. In addition, it is advisable to sleep with your head slightly elevated to improve blood flow.

  • Keep the graft area moist constantly

The most common strategies to keep the newly grafted area moisturized include frequent spraying of the scalp with a saline solution or topical application of an ointment to keep the grafts hydrated.

There are a few things you can do to keep the hair transplant area moist enough to care for. One of them is to wash it continuously, but this activity must be done very carefully; For this reason, we will give you some tips to make it the best possible.

  • Sorry, you can’t go back to exercise just yet

Avoid vigorous exercise routines after surgery. Really. We don’t want you will be in pain, swelling and general discomfort. It does not mean that you stop walking or stretching in moderation, the restriction is for strenuous exercise only. After 7-10 days, you can gradually increase the pace and intensity of the exercise, but always paying attention to how you feel while doing it.

And no, don’t worry, it’s not from perspiration, but from intense physical exertion, which increases pain and swelling. If this happens, the recovery will take more time and you can risk the surgery because you can lose some of the hair follicles transplanted while you worked out.

  • Keep clean the transplanted area

There is no indication not to wash the receiving area on your scalp. You can give it a daily wash to make sure it doesn’t scab over, which could hurt a lot. To do this, you can use a sponge to carefully massage the area,

If scabs appear, massage gently with a cotton-tipped swab, which should be moistened with soapy water. Don’t rub too hard – just run the cotton tip lightly over the scalp. With that light touch, the scabs will be removed without damaging the delicate blood vessels that form around the implant.

10 days after the procedure, the hair wash can go back to how it was before the hair transplant and you can resume some of your normal activities But, the most important thing is to choose the best place to recover. The comfort of your home is incredible, but why not in Cancun? Contact us and have a great hair again. We are waiting for you.

FUE and FUT: which is the best?


Get the best hair transplant in Mexico and recover in Cancun or keep wearing a cap? The choice is simple, but it is important to know the process. Among the things you should know about hair transplantation is that it can be FUT and FUE. At this point you think “What are they talking about?” Read on to find out.

About FUT

To perform the FUT procedure, strips of hairy skin are removed from the donor area of the scalp. This is usually obtained from the back of the head. This is where the other name for “strip surgery” comes from.

The strip is placed under high-powered microscopes. There, the surgical team meticulously divides it into small individual follicular unit grafts, which have one to four hairs.

The grafts are placed in a refrigerated tissue storage solution until the day of the procedure. The donor area is sutured, covering with the surrounding hair. The stitches are removed within 10 to 14 days, the donor area being healed to form a characteristic linear scar.

Advantages of FUT

This procedure is ideal for patients who require a large number of grafts, which is a great advantage if the patient’s main goal is to achieve maximum hair restoration.

With the FUT technique, the existing hair can be kept long and will be used to cover the linear scar, making it unnecessary to shave the head.

The FUT procedure takes between 4 and 12 hours, which is less than the time required for the FUE. The time will depend on the size of the recipient area and the number of grafts to be done.

About FUE

As mentioned above, in the FUT the donor area of the scalp is shaved and then the follicular unit grafts are individually removed.

FUE is a more modern technique. In it, a part of the donor area is shaved and then individual strands of hair are cut by making circular incisions around them. The procedure requires a little more time, as it must be performed by an expert doctor, since each graft is removed individually and placed directly from the scalp, in the holes created in the bald area, in the same way as in FUT.

The procedure can be performed manually or with a powered surgical tool. After the procedure, there will be a series of small, stippled scars on the scalp, but, due to their tiny size, they are hardly noticeable.

Advantages of FUE

FUE avoids the presence of the linear scar at all costs. In fact, when individual follicular units are taken, only small scars remain that are barely visible. That is why this procedure is the favorite of those who want to return to their activities as soon as possible.

Since the scars are very small, you can keep your hair short, even the number 0 cut. That will depend on your personal taste.

FUE is a suitable procedure for young patients or those who require a small number of grafts on the hairline.

Which is better?

The answer to this big question is: it DEPENDS. The choice between FUE or FUT will be up to you and who advises you. By contacting us, you will be accessing a trustworthy and highest quality service, thereby guaranteeing that hair loss will be a past event.

Remember that does not exist a technique appropriate for everyone. Is necessary to know your case to make the best decision to you. Contact us. Look amazing and recover in a beautiful and peaceful place like Cancun. We are waiting for you.

Change your life with a hair transplant

Change your life with a hair transplant

Perhaps you came to this website out of curiosity, or because you want to know more about FUE Hair Transplant in Mexico. Regardless of the cause, we want to tell you that you are not alone and that here, at Hair Repair Cancun, we will find the best solution for you.

Hair loss affects millions of people around the world. But it is not about being just another in an endless list of numbers, or buying hats and hairpieces: all problems have a solution and hair transplantation is that solution you are looking for.

Maybe you lost your confidence when you started losing your hair. It may seem so different to you every time you look in the mirror; taking a sigh, you remember your great hair. Maybe you want a big change for your appearance and for your life, and now is the time:

A hair transplant can change your life

Yes, you read it and it’s true. Many people tend to think that it is just vanity, that people who undergo hair transplantation do so because they refuse to accept themselves. We know: you’ve heard that hundreds of times, and it hurts when a loved one tells you. But you don’t have to listen to everything you hear. A hair transplant can give your life a positive turn, such as:

Increase your self-confidence

Losing hair is… a little bit complicated. It is usually one of the first things that people notice when you are walking down the street. At this point, you are likely to feel watched by any man or woman who passes too close to you. And not to mention going to a party or social gathering.

The first step where you will notice that increase in confidence will be when you make the decision to undergo the hair transplant procedure. After the procedure, you will not have to worry about it again and you will have the self-confidence to go to parties, meetings, and even those trips to the supermarket where the cap was your ally so that no one would notice your hair loss.

You are great and you deserve great hair!

You will look younger

When you lose hair, it often happens that you look much older than you are. Therefore, when you decide to perform a hair transplant, it will not only have a positive effect on your self-confidence: it will also have a positive effect on your appearance.

People with hair transplants will look younger until they are 10 years old. In addition, many of those who undergo this procedure are filled with an incredible vitality, to the point that they usually join gymnasiums and start diets to complement their renewed appearance. Can you imagine that effect on you?

Don’t imagine it, make it!

Best photos

Okay, this may seem superficial, but it is directly related to your confidence in yourself. Do you usually hide behind a friend when taking a group photo? Avoid the photo? Not anymore! Become the star of all photographs and let your hair express your personality.

Natural appearance

The hair transplant procedure has improved considerably since the 1970s and 1980s. In those days, the procedure was known as “plugs” and they left patients with an unnatural appearance.

The FUE procedure collects individual hairs and allows extreme precision, thereby achieving a smooth head of hair and a natural, feathery hairline. You can ask anyone who has undergone a hair transplant procedure: the appearance is natural, so it may be our secret. Contact us. Look amazing and recover in a beautiful and peaceful place like Cancun. Do not think about it, just do it.

We are waiting for you.

Myths about hair loss

Myths about hair loss

Are you thinking about having a hair restoration in Mexico, but the myths surrounding hair loss stop you? Read on and, in the company of Cancún Hair Restoration, know the truth.
There are many myths that surround hair loss: its causes, at what age it occurs, who is more likely to suffer it In part it is the fault of the Internet, as it offers an excess of information, mostly unverified. That is the reason why we decided to write this article: it is time to break the myths about hair loss.

Common myths about hair loss

“Hair loss is a genetic inheritance from the father / mother”

FALSE. This myth is completely false, to the point that nobody agrees and some people say that it is from the father and others that it is thanks to the mother’s genetics.
What is certain is that there is a predisposition to baldness in men, it does not mean that it is a condition with which they are born. Furthermore, it is known that hair loss is a condition dependent on dominant patterns. That is, if there are men – or women – with total or partial baldness within your family, it is likely that you too will have hair loss at some point in your life, although it is not a general rule.

“Direct contact with the sun will cause hair loss”

FALSE. The sun is a great ally of your skin, as it provides vitamin E, essential for the human body. But long exposure is not. Nobody likes to get sunburned, because of dead skin that falls on clothes… But no, don’t worry: you will not suffer hair loss from sun exposure. So, enjoy the summer heat, using sunscreen for your skin and without worrying about hair loss.

“Hair loss only affects men”

FALSE. This is, perhaps, one of the most widespread myths and it is false. Although it is true that hair loss is more frequent in men, they are not the only ones who can suffer from it: there are also women who face baldness problems. But, for both cases there is a solution: hair transplantation. Remember that you should consult with an expert before making the final decision.

“Living with stress will make you bald”

PART TRUE, PART FALSE. It’s true that anxiety, traumatic events, and emotional stress can contribute to temporary hair loss. However, therein lies the key: temporary. Stress will not leave you bald for the rest of your days, but it does need to be treated with the seriousness it deserves.

“If you take vitamins, you can stop hair loss”

FALSE. It is something that sounds too good to be true. Vitamins for hair loss are only useful in cases where you are deficient in that particular nutrient, which is usually vitamin E. Otherwise, they will be of no use and you will have wasted your money on something pointless.
Remember that, before choosing hair transplantation as the solution to your hair loss problem, you need to consult an expert, such as the Hair Repair Cancun team. Also, if you decide to undergo a hair transplant, think about where you want to recover from the procedure. A beach like Cancun is a great option. Contact us. We are waiting for you.​

Why am I losing hair?” All about women hair loss

Hair loss in women

The first-place women often find out they have hair loss is in the shower, and it’s not a very pleasant experience. The first thing that crosses your mind is “why me?” It’s time to breathe and find a solution: have you considered a hair transplant in Mexico? No, it is not an exclusive procedure for men and the results are quite natural.

Hair loss in women must cease to be seen as a taboo to face the problem in the best possible way. Read on and learn more about this topic.

Is hair loss in women normal?

Daily you can have a hair loss of between 50 and 100 hairs. Even a little over 100 is normal and there is no reason to get mad or sad. But, if the hair falls out in clumps or you notice a sudden lack of hair on your head, that is already saying something and you should see a dermatologist.

In the same way that you care for a cold or a wound or burn, it is important to take care of your hair.

Receding hairline or hair loss?

To begin with, it is important to clarify that not all hair loss looks the same. It is necessary to go to an expert to identify which type is experiencing and, in this way, to get to the bottom of the problem.

A dermatologist can thoroughly examine your scalp, do blood tests, and explain your symptoms, as well as the options do you have to fix the problem.

Why are you losing hair?

As stated above, many people think that hair loss is something unique to men, but this is FALSE. It is estimated that more than 50% of women will experience noticeable hair loss from a variety of causes, including:


Stress can cause temporary hair loss. In turn, it can also bring with it problems such as dandruff, eating disorders and alterations of the digestive system, which will have a negative impact on your hair.

The key is in the word TEMPORARY. Go to the doctor and hair loss will be just a bad dream.

Iron or vitamin B12 deficiency

Tiredness, lack of energy, hair loss … Do you feel like this? You need a medical checkup, as it could be anemia. When this happens, the presence of iron in your blood is low, producing the symptoms described above. Iron is essential for the production of hair cells, which are vital for hair strands.

On the other hand, when you suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B12, the health of the red blood cells is compromised and, with it, the transport of oxygen to the tissues.

Both cases occur after intestinal diseases, in people who have heavy or frequent nosebleeds, or when significant weight loss occurs. You can fix it with a vitamin supplement.

Family members with hair loss

Although genetics is not a determining factor, having several close relatives with a hair loss problem does make you prone to it. One of the most common symptoms of this is thinning of the hair on the top of the head, also known as “female pattern” or “androgenetic alopecia” and is often worsened by loss of estrogen during menopause.

But it is not all bad news: hair transplantation is a solution to this problem and is a fairly safe, minimally invasive method with a high rate of effectiveness.

Medical conditions

When speaking of “alopecia areata” it refers to an autoimmune disease of the skin, which is the cause of hair loss, with the hallmark that this loss occurs as patches on the head and, probably, in others body parts. It is not a permanent condition and it is always possible to find a solution, such as hair transplant.

“Why me?”

Not only you, trust us. Any girl or woman can be affected by hair loss, but nobody wants to talk about it. This condition is more common if:

  • You are over 40 years old.
  • If you are pregnant or recently gave birth to your baby.
  • If you have received chemotherapy or have been affected by other medicines.
  • If you usually style your hair with tight pigtails or braids, as well as the use of aggressive chemicals for your hair.

Stop thinking that there is no solution to your problem and get rid of those hairstyles and hats that hide your hair loss. Contact us. Look amazing and recover in a beautiful and peaceful place like Cancun. Do not think about it, just do it.

We are waiting for you.

Is there a right age to get a Hair Transplant?

Is there a right age to get a Hair Transplant?
To get the #BestHairTransplantInMexico you need to contact us. No matter if you are too young or you think you are too old: all people need a great hair.

Is there a right age to get a Hair Transplant?

When someone asks us for the first time, one of the most frequent questions is “Am I of age to have a hair transplant?”, Followed by “Am I the right age for the procedure?” We are not surprised, as people come to us because they want to get the best hair transplant in Mexico.

Many people think that being too young or too old influences the transplant outcome, but is this true? Below, you will find the answer to this question.

The right age for hair transplantation: does it exist?

To be honest, there is no proper age to perform a hair transplant procedure. This can be done as long as the patient has hair loss, which is treatable with surgery, a donor area and that there are no medical or surgical contraindications.

This means that any patient who has the information and wants to do it, can undergo a hair transplant. But here’s another very important question: does it matter if a patient starts a transplant early or waits until they are a little older?

Hair transplantation if you are under 21

You have come this far because you are in that age range and you find yourself in the need to wear a cap all the time to avoid people staring at your head when you go down the street or are in a public place.

We have good news for you: if you suffer from permanent and non-progressive hair loss, as occurs in scars and congenital areas of alopecia, it is possible to successfully perform the procedure, even if you are a person under 21 years of age. If you have questions about your case, contact us and get more information.

Better results: young or old patients?

This depends on many health factors. If an older person does not have health problems such as diabetes or chronic smoking, the transplant reception will be optimal. This added to the fact that the procedure is minimally invasive and very well tolerated by almost all patients, regardless of whether the scalp is young or old.

In addition, the place where you decide to perform your hair transplant will always be an influential point. The experience of who is in charge of doing the transplant is decisive for obtaining the best results.

Can micropigmentation be considered?

That is something that you should consult directly with our experts and it will depend a lot on your particular case. Hair micropigmentation is a technique that uses pigment injections under the skin (directly on the scalp), to get a better appearance is obtained.

This procedure is recommended when the baldness is total or when the areas with alopecia are not candidates to receive a hair transplant. You can undergo this process at any age and it is also necessary to contact an expert to decide if it is the best solution for your hair loss.

Remember that your hair is your cover letter, regardless of your age. Decide to recover the appearance of your hair and contact us. At Hair Restoration Cancun you will find a team of experts who will help you regain confidence in your hair. Also, you will be on this beautiful Mexican beach during your recovery period. Make up your mind to have beautiful hair again. We are waiting for you.

Ways to stop hair loss

Ways to stop hair loss

Ways to stop hair loss

Your hair is an important part of your personality. That is why television commercials frequently show hair care products such as shampoo and conditioners. But, if you are having a severe hair loss, you may be thinking about a hair transplant in Mexico. But, if your hair loss is not yet so serious, how do you prevent it from falling out? Here are some ways to stop hair loss.

Stop hair loss: is it possible?

Although there are genetic conditions that cause hair loss that is only reversible with a hair transplant, some situations can be prevented. So, the answer is YES, it is only necessary to assess the situation with a specialist doctor, such as our experts at Hair Repair Cancún. Some ways to stop hair loss are:

Balance diet

Eating lean meats, fish, soy, or other proteins promotes hair health and, at the same time, they are aids in hair loss.

Vitamins help to have general well-being and are part of a balanced diet. That is why its adequate consumption is perfect for the health of your hair. For example, Vitamin A stimulates healthy sebum production on the scalp, and Vitamin E improves blood circulation in the scalp, helping hair follicles to continue hair production. For its part, vitamin B helps hair maintain its healthy color.

Soft brush made with natural fibers

The use of the brush is inevitable because it is necessary to comb the hair to make it fit and look great. But it is important to pay close attention to which brush you will use. It is recommended to use a soft brush with natural fibers, as it will help maintain healthy levels of sebum in your hair, also known as oil.

The keratin proteins in your hair need to be gently brushed one way, starting at the top and continuing to the ends. A soft brush will assist in the care and conditioning of the hair cuticle at the molecular level.

In addition, frequent and proper brushing helps to avoid finding strands of hair in the shower drain.

Hair products: time to change it

There are some belief and some evidence that many gels and other styling products can contribute to hair loss. This is due to the presence of chemicals within these products. These elements lodge in the scalp and are trapped between the follicles, preventing hair from coming to the surface.

Although in some cases of unruly hair, it is impossible to completely avoid the use of these products, it is recommended to reduce their consumption, avoiding the excessive use of hair gels. It is also possible to resort to styling products with natural bases, which contain fewer chemicals.

Stay hydrated all the time

The hair shaft comprises a quarter of water. This means that you need to drink at least four to eight cups of water a day to stay hydrated. Adequate hydration will allow you to have healthy hair growth.

No juices, sodas, or alcoholic beverages: purified water. Drinking alcohol reduces hair growth. So, if you are having hair loss, you have to decrease or eliminate this kind of drinks.

But, if your hair loss is severe, it is best that you consult with an expert to have a hair transplant. At Hair Repair Cancun you will find a team of experts, as well as equipment and areas that meet the strictest hygiene requirements for your safety. Also, think about where you want to recover from the procedure. A beach like Cancun is a great option. Contact us. We are waiting for you.

The things your hair says about your health

Maybe you have losing hair. This is not a trouble. You only need a Hair Restoration in Mexico. But why you need it? A great hair talks about a great health. We are not joking. This is a fact. Your hair can be the voice of your body and tell you if something is wrong. Continue reading to know what your hair says about your health.

Common troubles in hair are common troubles in health

Many people have the misconception that hair is just for decoration, for styling it in different ways. It is a half-truth: giving it a good look with a nice color and shape are part of the personality. But hair is also an essential feature of body health. Sick hair speaks of a sick body.

There are some of the most common things that your hair reveals about your health:

Hair loss could be a sign of anemia

Imagine that one night you are brushing your hair before going to bed and when you see the brush you see that there is much more hair on the brush. Or maybe, after the shower, you notice a considerable amount on the shower floor. This could be a sign that your body has low iron stores, including anemia, so you should have a medical exam. Iron is critical to many biological and chemical reactions, perhaps including hair growth.

Signal a thyroid disorder

The thyroid is in charge of controlling the body’s hormones and, when it does not perform its functions properly, it manifests with symptoms that can be confused with any other disease, such as fatigue. For this reason, when a thyroid disorder occurs it is not usually easy to detect, but hair loss may be that sign you are looking for.

But not everything is negative: there are medications that improve the functioning of the thyroid, which will stop hair loss. However, if you have a lot of lost hair, a transplant maybe your best option.

Maybe stress

Stress is proven to be one of the causes of premature aging and hair loss. Stress manifests itself in many ways, including premature hair aging and eventual hair loss. People generally don’t notice because of the demands on time and energy.

The hair loses its color prematurely, the skin appears dull and the health of the hair is affected. If you notice any of these signs, you are likely stressed. Being physically active, quitting smoking and practicing a hobby will be useful to improve the health of your hair and your body in general. And don’t forget to seek professional help.

Could indicate a protein deficiency

Proteins are essential for hair growth and health. Therefore, when there is a decrease in protein levels, there is usually weight loss and hair loss. To get more protein in your diet, you can include Greek yogurt, tilapia, chickpeas, and chicken breast. But it is always important to consult an expert.

In some people, hair loss may be due to genetics; some women can present it due to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. These specialized situations should be managed with the help of your doctor. But, in case the hair loss is too much, come with us if you are looking for a peaceful place to recover yourself after the procedure, contact us. We are waiting for you. Come to Cancun today and have a great hair.